Louis Adebajo
2 min readMay 12, 2018


Ever wondered when it’s all going to end? An Igbo man will insist that his daughter must marry a man from his tribe and will proudly disown her if she does otherwise. Yoruba mothers will treat their children’s friends differently believing that someone who is not from that tribal group has no form of friendship to offer the child. The concept of ethnicity has kept Nigeria as a stranger of herself for so long.

The Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba ethnic groups

Nigeria consists of over 250 ethnic groups. Ethnic groups are referred to as a group of people having a common language and cultural values but with most of these ethnic groups doing everything to socially isolate themselves from other ethnic groups, it is quite difficult to understand how Nigeria is a federal nation and not a forced campsite of people who only exists together because they have been given that as the only condition for survival. It is quite alarming that even in an age and time like this, the majority of the ethicists are the literates. We claim civilization but practice barbarisms.

Ethnic map of Nigeria

The endpoint for tribalism as it is normally called begins with recognition and acceptance, rather than denial, of the fact that these poor relationships among ethnic groups has caused a load of limitations for our nation. It is the reason for the setback in political and economic development and it is hazardous for the nation’s unity. “But can two work together except they agree”? Platforms that encourage Nigerians to learn more about other ethnic groups should also be encouraged to promote unity and togetherness.

Without a doubt, ethnicity is a major enemy, robbing the country and must be dealt with. Will it ever end? How long will it take? No one can give the answers. One thing is certain, change can’t begin without you.