Top Things To Do At Home During Lockdown

4 min readApr 22, 2020


Here are my top five things at Home to do whilst you are in self-isolation/Lockdown (Stay Home, Stay Safe).

  1. Read a Good Book

This book could be an Autobiography; a Romance; a Crime; a Horror; literally anything that takes your fancy, really!

Get lost in the moment, whilst you’re sunbathing on a glorious hot day in your garden, or settle down in the evening for a read of a few chapters of a book, before bed.

(I enjoy reading about people’s lives, so autobiographies are the type of books I usually go for).

  1. Write a Diary

Why not write a Diary about what you have done in these unprecedented times? Write an entry for each day; how it made you feel; what you got up to; does it make you grateful to actually be spending this unprecedented time with your family? This diary could be something that you can look back on in years to come, and it will be a part of history for future generations.

(I’ve not actually started this, though I remember writing in a five-year diary when they were popular, in my younger days!).

  1. Take Stock of your Life

When we finally get out of this Lockdown and get back to ‘normal’ life seeing family, friends and work colleagues again; what things would you, perhaps, do differently? What things would you want to do that you have never thought of doing before, and wish to do? Maybe there is a Class that you want to attend; whether that’s a Foreign Language class, or a Knitting class. Maybe you fancy travelling the world; perhaps now’s a good time to maybe start saving up for it, and perhaps, when it’s safe to do so, you might take that plunge and go travelling next year or the next year after? Maybe now is the time to write a list of all the countries and cities you would like to visit?

(Personally, I like travelling to different countries and cities and taking in the different cultures and traditions. Like lots of people, I have commitments, so can’t go travelling that much, but it’s great to just get away for a holiday once a year whenever possible).

  1. Garden and D.I.Y (Do It Yourself) Jobs around the home

Perhaps there are jobs around the home that need doing and, until now, you haven’t had a chance to do, or you’ve been putting them off? Well, now’s the chance to do them, whilst we are safe at home during this unprecedented time. The jobs that may need doing are Gardening; Painting the walls and doors, or ceilings, of rooms in the home. Perhaps re-arrange your furniture in each room of your home? If you’ve got kids, get them to help out in the garden with watering the plants with the watering can, or digging up the weeds? Get your kids to help re-arrange the furniture in their bedrooms. You never know what you might find when you move the bed, or wardrobe, or cabinet — perhaps you may find some money, or something else! By carrying out jobs around the home, you will actually be doing some exercise, too!

  1. Decluttering

Maybe have a good old clear-out of items in all your rooms in the home? Now’s the time to do that. Sort out your wardrobe and get rid of worn-out and ill-fitting clothing and shoes; check your Music and Movie cabinets and sort through your CD and DVD collections. Listen to all your CDs and watch your DVDs, and get rid of ones you don’t want anymore. Sort out your books and get rid of ones you have read. Put the items in boxes or bags, so that they are ready to be taken to your local charity shops, when they open again. Alternatively, sell your items online to make some money.

(I sorted out my CD and DVD collections by listening and watching them, and decided what ones I wanted to keep and get rid of).

Another thing you could do is check through your toiletries; perfumes, shampoos, conditioners, body scrubs and body washes, and hand cream, for example. You may have separate toiletries only to use when you go away on holiday. Start using them now, as you can always buy more toiletries when we are able to go away on holiday again. That way, you will be gradually clearing out items from your bathroom cabinet, and putting them to good use whilst you’re staying at home. If you decide to leave those ‘holiday’ toiletries for a future holiday, you will probably be likely to forget that you had these particular toiletries in the cabinet, and end up splashing out on products at a later date and, in turn, wasting your hard-earned money!

(I am actually using up my toiletry products, which I would have taken away on holiday. It’s surprising how much products you can actually accumulate through the years, and never get around to using, until now! I have found an eye cream that I’ve had for years that I’ve just begun using! Of course, I am using a lot of hand cream — one bottle I’ve actually had for a few years, which I’ve nearly finished!).

I do hope that these five ‘lockdown’ options that I have detailed inspire you in some way and perhaps you may decide to carry out one, if not all, of them.

Please check out my blog for future posts! Stay safe!




I write about what is of interest to me and what I think is of interest to others; like reviews of books I have read and reviews of places I have visited.