Money Matters, So Does Your Attitude: Lessons to Ponder for Beginner Traders.

A Life-changing Lesson from the book, “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” by T. Harv Eker.

Louis Javier
6 min readMar 31, 2023
Money & Attitude: A photo of a Man in black t-shirt in a black background. With 8 white columns at the left side represented by text each column that reads “Attitude” in black text. And at the right side of a man is white text reads “MO-dash-NEY” in a square block form | Photo by Christopher Campbell, Unsplash | Design by Louis Javier

Are you a beginner trader looking to take the first steps toward financial independence? Trading can be a complex and daunting world to navigate, but with the right mindset and approach, it can also be a lucrative path to success.

These are five essential lessons from the book “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” that every beginner trader can ponder. These life-changing lessons will help you cultivate an abundance mindset, master the art of risk management, and achieve your trading goals.

So, sit back, relax, and get ready to embark on a journey that could change your life and your trading career forever.

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1. Your thoughts and beliefs about money shape your financial reality.

  • This means that the way you think and feel about money can have a significant impact on your financial situation.
  • If you think that money is the root of all evil or that it is difficult to make money, these thoughts can hold you back from achieving financial success. If you have positive thoughts and think that money is a tool for achieving your goals or that there are many opportunities to make money, these thoughts can help you achieve financial success.
  • T. Harv Eker argues that by realizing your thoughts and beliefs about money and actively working to change any negative thoughts or beliefs, we can improve your financial situation.

— If you are a beginner trader and you believe in your ability to learn and improve, you can start by educating yourself on the basics of trading and investing. You can read books, take courses, or attend seminars to gain knowledge and understanding. You can also seek mentors or join trading communities to learn from others’ experiences.

With this foundation of knowledge and support, you can begin making small trades to gain experience and build confidence. As you continue to learn and grow, you can gradually increase the size and complexity of your trades while managing risk appropriately. This approach can lead to long-term financial success in trading.

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2. You dramatically improve your finances by taking conscious control of your thoughts.

  • Be mindful of your thoughts and beliefs about money, and actively make an effort to change those negative thoughts.
  • If you believe that making money is difficult or that you cannot achieve financial success, these beliefs may prevent you from taking action.
  • T. Harv Eker suggests techniques such as positive affirmations and visualization to help change negative thoughts and beliefs about money. By consistently practicing these techniques, you can develop a more positive mindset toward money and improve your financial situation.

— If you have the negative belief that you always make bad trades you may benefit from using positive affirmations and visualization techniques.

You can use affirmations such as:

  • “I objectively identify my edges.”
  • “I predefine the risk of every trade.”
  • “I completely accept the risk and let go of the trade.”
  • “I will never enter a trade until I assessed the potential.”
  • “I will never violate these principle of success.”

You can also visualize yourself making successful trades. By consistently practicing these techniques, you can develop a more positive mindset towards trading and improve your financial situation.

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3. Adopting a rich attitude is another way to improve your finances.

  • Having a rich attitude means having a positive mindset that allows you to see opportunities rather than obstacles.
  • It involves being open to learning and growth, being proactive, and taking calculated risks. A rich attitude also means being disciplined and patient and being able to manage your emotions during both good and bad times. With this mindset, you can develop habits and behaviors that lead to long term success.
  • Overcoming fear is another aspect of a rich attitude. Fear can hold you back from taking actions.

— You may come across a new investment opportunity that seems promising but also carries some risk. Instead of letting fear hold you back from taking advantage of this opportunity, you could approach it with a rich attitude by focusing on the potential for growth and learning.

Do your due diligence by researching the opportunity and assessing the potential risks and rewards. With this information in hand, you could make an informed decision about whether to invest in this opportunity. Take calculated risks and committing to lifelong learning and growth.

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4. The rich see opportunities, while the poor see obstacles.

  • One major difference between wealthy people and those who are not is their focus. Financially successful people usually have a more positive and proactive attitude. On the other hand, those who struggle with money may tend to focus more on the obstacles they face, rather than the potential opportunities for growth and success. This emphasizes the significance of having a positive mindset and actively looking for opportunities, even when faced with challenges.
  • By shifting your focus from obstacles to opportunities, you can develop a more positive mindset toward money.

— You can apply this principle by focusing on opportunities rather than obstacles. Imagine that you experience a loss on a trade. Instead of focusing on the loss and becoming discouraged, you could see it as an opportunity to learn and grow. You could analyze the trade to understand what went wrong and what you could do differently in the future. By using this experience as a learning opportunity, you could improve your trading skills and make better decisions in the future. This approach can help you achieve greater financial success in the long run.

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5. Becoming financially successful requires a lifelong commitment to learning and personal growth.

  • Committing to lifelong learning and personal growth is important. Continue educating yourself about money management and investing in your personal development.
  • Reading books or taking courses on personal finance and investing to help guide you on your financial journey.
  • By doing so, you can improve your financial skills and knowledge, which can help you make better decisions.

— It’s important for you to commit to lifelong learning and personal growth. For beginner traders, it’s not advisable to jump right into making trades with little knowledge or experience. Instead, focus on educating yourself on the basics of trading and investing your time in reading books or study courses to gain knowledge and understanding. It’s also helpful to seek for mentors and trading communities to learn from others’ experiences.

With a solid foundation of knowledge and support, you can start making small trades to gain experience and build confidence while managing risk appropriately. As you continue to learn and grow, you can gradually increase the size and simplicity of your trades while taking calculated risks to achieve greater financial success in the long run.

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Becoming a successful trader requires a combination of knowledge, discipline, and the willingness to take calculated risks. As a beginner, it is important to learn from those who have already achieved success in the field. By implementing the five essential lessons from this book, into your trading strategy, you can set yourself up for a profitable future.

Focus on your mindset, take action, and stay disciplined in the face of uncertainty. With perseverance and determination, you too can become a successful trader.

Start implementing these lessons today and take the first step towards a brighter future in trading. Keep learning, keep growing, and keep striving towards your dreams.

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Louis Javier

UX Designer & Brand Builder. Learning every day & sharing insight. Join me for valuable content to inspire you. #myjourney #valuetoyou