The Daily Grind: How to Navigate the World of Day Trading?

Master the mindset, skills, and habits through a consistent trading routine.

Louis Javier
7 min readApr 24, 2023
The Daily Grind: A text-based poster with main text reads “Daily Grind” replacing the “I’s” with candlestick in slow and bullish trend. Depicting the daily struggles of trading. With distressed texture embedded in the invisible text “THE” text. | by Louis Javier

Part 5/8: Establish a Routine — The Daily Grind

Day trading can be a lucrative but challenging activity that requires a unique set of skills, habits and mindset.

In this article, we will explore the key components of successful day trading and provide practical tips on how to manage your time and master your daily grind.

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.” — Winston Churchill

Start reflecting on your strategy and asking yourself how I would make it better. Let’s get perspective.

Pre-Market Setup

No matter where you are or which trading sessions you participate in, as a day trader, you typically wake up early to prepare for the day ahead. This preparation includes reviewing news and market events that could impact the assets you trade, as well as analyzing technical charts and indicators to identify potential trading opportunities.

Before the market opens, you need to have a clear understanding of the current market conditions to make informed trading decisions. By starting your day with this pre-market analysis, you can adjust your trading plan accordingly and stay ahead of potential risks or opportunities.

  • Weekly Pre-market Setup, traders can review the economic calendar, earnings reports, and other major news events that could impact the markets in the coming week. By doing so, they can identify potential opportunities and risks and adjust their trading plan accordingly.
  • Daily Pre-market Update and Setup, traders can review the latest news and market developments that occurred overnight, as well as analyze technical charts and indicators to identify potential trading opportunities for the day. This can provide a clear understanding of current market conditions and allow for informed trading decisions.

Trading Sessions

Once day traders have screened the market and identified their target trades, the trading room floor gets busy. The initial trade hours are highly uncertain and volatile. Due to the high risk, the morning trade hours can be a slow burn. Professional traders must practice patience and observe the market closely.

Forex Trading:

Forex trading sessions involves several trading sessions with varying characteristics.

  • Asian session: Starts at 8 PM EST and ends at 4 AM EST, dominated by markets in Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Characterized by lower liquidity and smaller trading ranges.
  • European session: Starts at 3 AM EST and ends at 11 AM EST, dominated by markets in London, Frankfurt, and Paris. Characterized by higher liquidity and volatility due to overlap with the Asian session.
  • US session: Starts at 8 AM EST and ends at 4 PM EST, dominated by markets in New York. Characterized by higher liquidity and volatility due to overlap with the European session.
  • Pacific session: Starts at 9 PM EST and ends at 5 AM EST, dominated by markets in Sydney and Wellington. Characterized by lower liquidity and smaller trading ranges.

Stock Trading:

Stock trading sessions are characterized by different time zones and by varying levels of activity and volatility.

  • US Session: The most active and volatile session of the day, from 9:30 AM EST to 4 PM EST, dominated by the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ.
  • Opening Hour: The first hour of trading, from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM EST, characterized by high trading volume and volatility.
  • Middle of the Day: From 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM EST, often characterized by lower trading volume and volatility.
  • Closing Hour: The final hour of trading, from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM EST, can see increased trading volume and volatility as traders close out their positions.

Time Zones: Consider the specific assets you wish to trade and the market hours (Stocks). Adjust your trading strategies to each unique tradingh session’s as some markets may have limited operating hours.

Trading Story:

John’s New Routine

John, a struggling day trader, found himself constantly chasing the market, losing money, and feeling overwhelmed. Despite having the technical skills, he lacked structure and discipline. Thus, he decided to step back and focus on building a routine.

Initially, it was challenging for John to adhere to a daily schedule. He had difficulty waking up early, maintaining focus, and taking breaks. However, he persevered and began to see improvements in his trading gradually.

John’s routine included waking up at 5 am to prepare for the market, exercising for 30 minutes, reviewing market news and charts, and taking short breaks every hour. Additionally, he ensured that he ate healthy meals and got enough rest each night.

As John’s routine became more ingrained, he felt more focused, disciplined, and confident in his trades. He began to experience consistent profits and regained control over his trading. Building a routine was the key to his success as a day trader, and he now encourages others to do the same.

Post-Trade Reflection

In the next stage of day trading, these professionals reflect on their strategies, options, and trade choices to prepare for the next day. Some traders keep a detailed trading journal where they jot down valuable data about market resistance levels, entry and exit prices, overnight positions, and trade outcomes.

Trade Reflections:

  1. Did I follow my trading plan and strategy?
  2. Was my entry and exit timing optimal?
  3. Did I let my emotions influence my decision-making?
  4. What market events or news impacted my trades?
  5. What was the outcome of my trades and what could I have done differently?
  6. Did I manage my risks effectively?

Days Reflections:

  1. Did I achieve my daily trading goals?
  2. How did my trades perform compared to the overall market?
  3. Did I experience any technical issues or challenges?
  4. What did I learn from my trading activity today?
  5. Did I identify any opportunities for improvement in my trading strategy?
  6. How can I prepare for tomorrow’s trading session?

Through these reflection examples, you can gain a more holistic perspective on your trading performance and opportunities. But these are just examples and are not limited to your own trading style and strategy.

Outside Market Hours

Day traders typically spend their time to prepare for the next trading day, review their trading strategies, and stay informed about market news and events.

Some of the activities that day traders might engage in outside of market hours include but not limited to these examples since trading is subjective based on trader's individual needs, preferences and experience.

  • Reviewing past trades to identify areas for improvement and to learn from any mistakes or successes.
  • Spend time researching potential trading opportunities, analyzing market trends, and reading news and financial reports to stay informed.
  • Developing and back-testing with new strategy and concept.
  • Traders may enroll in trading courses, attend webinars or seminars, or read books to improve their trading skills and knowledge.

Throughout the Day

Prioritizing your physical and mental well-being is essential for achieving long-term success in day trading.

Exercise is an effective way to reduce stress and enhance focus, while consuming nutritious meals and staying hydrated can help sustain energy levels and mental clarity throughout the day. Adequate sleep is crucial for maintaining optimal cognitive function and decision-making ability.

By placing importance on self-care and healthy habits, you can increase your likelihood of succeeding as a day trader over an extended period.

  • Exercise: Regular physical exercise can reduce stress, enhance focus and mental clarity.
  • Eating healthy: A balanced and nutritious diet that includes whole foods can help maintain energy levels.
  • Hydration: Staying hydrated with water and other fluids can help maintain optimal hydration levels.
  • Sleep: Getting at least 7–8 hours of sleep each night can support cognitive function and decision-making ability.
  • Practicing mindfulness: Mindfulness practices such as meditation or deep breathing exercises can reduce stress and improve focus.
  • Socializing: Socializing with friends, family, or other traders can provide a sense of connection and support.
  • Taking breaks: Short breaks throughout the day can help avoid physical discomfort and mental fatigue.

In conclusion, day trading can be an extremely challenging and stressful activity that requires focus, discipline, and resilience. To better cope with the demands of the market and improve your chances over the long term, it’s crucial to develop a healthy routine that supports your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

It’s important to remember that achieving success in day trading requires a comprehensive approach that extends beyond just technical analysis and strategy.

“Routine is not a constraint, but a liberator. It provides structure, focus, and discipline to help us achieve our goals.” — John C. Maxwell

Hope you can relate to my routine? Let me know if you're interested in the details. Do you have any questions or areas you would like to explore?

Let’s make this discussion more fascinating and friendly! Remember, trading is a continuous learning journey, and we can all support each other along the way.



Louis Javier

UX Designer & Brand Builder. Learning every day & sharing insight. Join me for valuable content to inspire you. #myjourney #valuetoyou