Louis Parkinson
12 min readOct 12, 2019


Are we all connected and subjected to a law of universal karma? — Photo by Shyam Sundar on Unsplash

What is Karma?

Here is my effort to find Karma’s truth.

I have come across this notion that Karma is some kind of balance sheet with the universe that makes sure that you get back what you put in, whether good or bad. It is portrayed as some kind of cosmic moralistic boomerang. There is some truth in these understandings of karma, good and bad, but I feel aspects are confused and over-simplified. So, let’s see if I can explain.

Self Karma

I’ll begin with thyself and move outwards.


My thoughts create my world view. They tell me whether I like something or not. I know that I don’t like something because it creates a negative sensation within me. If I think angry thoughts towards myself, another person, or a situation it also creates a negative sensation. Do I have control over my thoughts? Maybe. If I can choose to have fewer angry thoughts I will cause myself less pain. If I choose to have more happy thoughts I will experience more pleasant sensations. Very simple. The trick to alter your thoughts? Watch them, become slightly detached from their happening. Things will change.

So many food choices each day — and the resulting sensations.
So many food choices - and the resulting sensations. Photo by Rachel Park

Actions to myself.



Louis Parkinson

A momentary aperture enjoying my glimpse. Bad dancer, accidental poet, meandering philosopher. Addicted to watching, wondering, and digging for a deeper truth.