How Sentient Space Will Change What It Means To Be At Home.

Louison Dumont
5 min readMay 7, 2018


“Our thoughts shape our spaces, but our spaces return the favor.”

— Steven Johnson

At Power, we create the interface of the future in homes. We create lights that can see and hear. Plug our light in any room and space becomes a digital interface.

At any time, in any room, you can raise your hand and start speaking. Words become incantations, they no longer just affect the people around you, they can affect the world around you. You can also just do nothing, Power constantly analyzes what’s happening to assist you: lights turn on automatically while respecting your circadian rhythms, music follows you as you walk into a new room, your bathroom smells like eucalyptus in the morning and lavender in the evening, among many other scenarios that we and our community are developing using a mix of computer vision and speech recognition.

Computers for scientists, computers for humans

Whirlwind machine, MIT, 1955. The first digital computer with RAM.

In the 70s, computers were designed for scientists. Then, in the 80s, graphical interfaces turned the computer into a mass consumer product. They started colonizing homes. The era of Personal Computing began. While PCs became mobile, and Internet is now providing us with useful information and services, the digital world is only accessible through a screen and keyboard.

Every time we use a computer or mobile, our attention is captured by the device, we are no longer aware of our real life experience. There is a whole new depth of interactions that we could access if computers could flow with our lives.
We need computers to be more intelligent, to understand and sense humans.

Now is an exciting time in the history of information technology. Softwares based on Machine Learning let computers understand humans as well as another human would. At the same time, computers are becoming so small, resourceful, and cheap to deploy that this is creating the opportunity for a new type of interface to emerge.

On a mission to disrupt Home

Home is where we live, rest, and increasingly, work. The last big innovation in home was electrification about 100 years ago. The main use case for electricity at the time was lighting. Then, as more homes got connected, more devices were created: dishwasher, toaster, washing machine, TV…

At Power, we are transforming home by creating the future of man-machine interfaces. By placing sensors in every room, we turn your home into a device. You live in the device, and it’s completely secure because the input processing is done offline. Computers become a component of your experience, not a parallel experience.

Our current features

First, we want to make home more alive. Our bodies were made to live in nature, and while living in a box is useful, it creates deep psychological and physical imbalances. By installing our nature inspired ceiling lights and light bulbs, light flows with your circadian rhythms. In the morning, clear white light with a touch of blue properly wakes up your system, making you ready for the day. During the day, white light with dynamic intensity complements the light that’s naturally penetrating through the windows. At night, yellowish white keeps you running while allowing your body to prepare itself for sleep.
Obviously, switches are no longer needed, you can set up custom RGB modes with your voice. Lighting becomes healthy, energy efficient, and fun!

Our ceiling lights act both as lights and sensors

Then, you can plug your speakers to the Power Bridge, and play YouTube, Spotify, Soundcloud, in any room, with your voice and gestures. No more yelling “Alexaaaa” as the music is already playing, just raise your hand. If you’re an audiophile and set up speakers in every room, as you walk into a room, Power automatically turns on the music. The bliss follows you.
You can also plug a Power Bridge to your TV, which you can then use to play Netflix, YouTube or watch Torrents using voice and gesture recognition.

Finally, with essential oil misters, you can create complete atmospheres. In the morning, your bathroom could turn into a eucalyptus rainforest playing Hawaiian songs. During the day, our productivity blend could manage lighting, smell and music to nurture your most productive flow.
At night, lavender oil could be misted in your bedroom until you fall asleep.

Where we are headed

The interface of the future understands you so well that it knows what you want before you want it. It can act passively and take care of many things for you in the background. When used actively, contextual awareness reduces the need for abstraction on the user’s side: the interface requires much less inputs and procedures than today’s computers. A deeper computational understanding of human life means richer experiences.

The potential use cases of our platform are endless. Health recommendations based on lifestyle tracking, workout apps that give you feedback through posture analysis, atmosphere apps. Our marketplace is open for developers to create rich interactive experiences. We are continuously working internally and with our community to create new features.

Our current features are only the first step towards accessing our bigger vision. Just like with electrification, more and more home devices will be created with progress in robotics and machine learning. These devices will need a common brain to benefit from a global input anywhere in the home, we are building the brain of home.

Our philosophy

We believe that profound happiness is accessed when we are one with what matters most.
Technology should not get in the way of our precious moments, it should enhance them with grace. We want to keep you in flow so that you can unleash your inner power.

IT is redefining what it means to be human. It’s important that we design systems that allow us to flourish as humans, not systems that disconnect us from our humanity.

Stay in touch

We’ll be opening pre-sales soon. If you want to be among the first people to experience a magical home, sign up below.

For business opportunities or general questions, please contact

