The difference between Entry Level & Junior Developers

Louis Goff-Beardsley
Student Voices
Published in
2 min readSep 28, 2016
An entry level developer

Entry Level Developer

  • Just came out of a 12 week coding camp.
  • Just finished a Computer Science degree, but didn’t freelance or work on open source projects during their degree. Didn’t get a 1st.
  • Is self taught but with no commercial experience or substantial open source work completed yet.
  • Requires substantial hand holding & mentor-ship from more senior developers to be functional.
A junior developer

Junior Developer

  • Coding camp + 6 months commercial experience or self directed learning.
  • Computer Science Degree, but freelanced, worked on projects that weren't required for their course and got a 1st.
  • Self taught, then worked on a bunch of projects collaborating with random people from the internet until they got good.
  • Still needs input from more senior developers, but not that much and doesn’t need hand-holding.

About the author: Louis Goff-Beardsley is a scumbag recruiter who produces dank OC to trick developers into working with him. If you feel your career would benefit from speaking to an autist fixated on the Ruby jobs market, feel free to drop Louis a line on,+44 (0)7449324851, or 24/7 on Skype: LouisGB1. You can also add him on Linkedin or follow him on Twitter



Louis Goff-Beardsley
Student Voices

Louis Goff-Beardsley ¦ Ruby & Scala Recruiter ¦ InfinitiumGlobal ¦ “I can’t stop thinking about Ruby on Rails“ ¦