ZQ: PodHunt

Louis Tur
2 min readDec 15, 2014


Vol. 1 — Day 5

A day of infinite possibilities.

As per usual, I’ve had to go back and remind myself what I am actually trying to accomplish with this project, since I seem to slowly deviate from the initial goal with every passing commit. It’s a shame there are so many interesting things I don’t know yet, otherwise this wouldn’t happen ☹

implementing something new, AFImageCache protocol on NSURLCache Class

At any rate, today is the day to implement a search and to display some results. On the path to that goal, I’ve re-made the landing screen so that the user’s github info doesn’t populate there, but rather on a separate page. Additionally, I went down a slight rabbit hole and implemented an AFImageCache for my github profile image. Not entirely sure if it’s working.. but I’ll go back add test later

Update 1: I knew I wanted to move my different “core” VC’s to be controlled by a single hamburger menu — or rather a ment of some sort. It took awhile for me to find one that was:

  1. Recently updated
  2. Minimal issues
  3. Large number of forks/stars/watchers
  4. Easy to implement on an existing UINavigationControlBar
Not too difficult to throw in to an existing project

Ultimately I ended up on a fairly slick and simple drawer menu called MMDrawerController by a couple of folks Mutual Mobile. It’s simple in the sense, that it’s very easy to implement in an existing navigation control flow.

The slightly tricky aspect of this was knowing how to reference the MMDrawer from other view controllers. As the documentation mentions:

You can use the UIViewController+MMDrawerController category in order to query the drawerController directly from child view controllers.

Which equates to adding this to your implementation:

#import <MMDrawerController/UIViewController+MMDrawerController.h>

And then calling the MMDrawerController in some fashion:

[self.mm_drawerController toggleDrawerSide:MMDrawerSideLeft animated:YES completion:^(BOOL finished) {}];

Now I just need to figure out laying out the view for the menu and handling the button actions. But for now, the results:

Not too shabby
kinda hard to tell what it does. but it’s neat, trust me.

Update 2: Day 5 is complete! Much has been throw together, and the code is getting slightly bogged down. Will need to do some cleaning up tomorrow and fix some of the more irksome bugs. As always, checkout the repo for v1.3.1

>cat thoughts




Louis Tur

Tinkerer, Thinker, Developer, Cat Dad, Activist. My opinions are my own.