The mandalas of content

Lourdes Montoya
2 min readJul 23, 2018


A friend of mine has recently taken up coloring mandalas in her free time. She tells that it is not only a powerful relaxing tool, but also a way to reach “nirvana”, as she explains, an status in which thoughts flow in her mind. It seems similar to when an artist find his/herself in the high point of creation.

Bridging the –huge- gap, obviously, it reminds me of when I used to withdraw by writing stories in my dad’s old Olivetti, or drawing mi fav manga characters (ok, all we have our freak side).

I have to recognize that it has been years since I was in this state of concentration/meditation, not even when I worked as a journalist. And to be honest, it would have been very useful to apply sketching; it would have made my job easier when attending a press conference i.e., or by getting my ideas straight when writing the article.

This module of Prework has discovered a totally great, new world to me. You just have to google about Doodling/Sketching to realize that it is an art. But the better is that it is a technique suitable for everybody -not needed to be a Picasso- and its benefits go far beyond entertainment/relax. After watching the video and taking the main ideas, I found myself thinking about the topic in a deeper layer. Arrows and text globes appeared on my sheets in a creative and unexpected storm. Wooow! And what is more, I have really been concious about how important is -among other things- being guided by people’s insights (not only data) when making any design decision, even it seems irrelevant.

As I learn more about UX/UI universe, the comprehension/synthesis tandem becomes more crucial on its day-to-day basis. For that, I swear up and down that I find myself believing and practicing sketcher.

