How To Express Your Insights Without Scaring Them Away-Human Design Gate 43

Lovaine Cohen
3 min readNov 16, 2023


Reflecting on my personal experiences with Human Design Gate 43 has been a profound journey of self-discovery.

Ra Uru Hu, the founder of Human Design, wisely states:

“This is not a visual mind. What is going on in the 43rd gate is that there is an inner dialogue. It goes on in the whole stream and that sudden awareness is an inner-dialogue awareness. “Oh, I knows,” it says on the inside. Whether it can actually say that on the outside is another story. It is a very particular path to translate that sudden awareness, that inner dialogue, into an externalized dialogue that can explain itself. That is quite a process.”

street artist painting a wall
Photo by Ari He on Unsplash

Gene Keys creator Richard Rudd says people with Gate 43 have a unique gift — the gift of expressing their thoughts in a novel and creative way.

They’re creative rebels who think outside the box, plan for breakthroughs, and resist getting bogged down in mental certainties.

Now, here’s another quote from Ra that resonates deeply with me:

“The only achievement for the 43rd gate is the ability to explain their knowing.”

It got me thinking about the importance of translating my inner insights into a language that others can grasp — a process that brings its own set of challenges and rewards.

I deeply study and research the “you know what” out of subjects that greatly interest me such as Human Design, Astrology, Tarot, philosophy, business, and on and on and on ( I’m a 1st line profile, could you tell?). So all that I have learned over the years awaits eagerly in my mind bursting for expression.

Before human design, when I said things to people, sometimes out of the corner of my little eye, I would see them look away.

Their facial expressions were, “Oh boy, here she goes.” Now that I know that gate 43 forms part of a projected channel, I reserve my thoughts and wait until I’m asked for my insights. It goes over much better this way and people don’t roll their eyeballs at me anymore :)

As we navigate the energy of Gate 43, let’s explore our ability to embrace our inner rebel, “not necessarily one tied to social or political causes but a rebel of the mind.” (R.Rudd)

(my current journal that I write my morning pages in. Sorry, you can’t see what’s inside)

Do you have a defined Gate 43? Here are some journaling prompts for self-reflection:

  1. How have you successfully translated your inner dialogue into external communication, and what challenges have you faced in doing so?
  2. In what areas of your life have you experienced the energy of a creative rebel, thinking outside the box and planning for breakthroughs?
  3. How can you further develop your ability to explain your knowing to others, bridging the gap between your inner awareness and external expression?

If you don’t have Gate 43 consistently defined (keep in mind, we have ALL the human design chart):

  1. Reflect on moments when you’ve experienced sudden awareness or a unique inner voice. How did you express or translate that knowing externally?
  2. Consider areas in your life where you’ve rebelled against mental certainties and thought outside the box. How has this influenced your decisions and actions?
  3. Explore breakthroughs in your life. What breakthroughs have you experienced, and how did they align with your inner voice?

Richard sums up the energy of this gift beautifully:

Don’t waste energy being something you’re not.

Right you are Richard, right you are.

Thanks for reading!

Please share this article with someone who gets the eyeball treatment from their friends. I’m sure you know someone.



Lovaine Cohen

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