Telefy is The world’s first multi-chain financial assessment centered DeFi :

4 min readMar 6, 2022


Blockchain innovation is being utilized in an assortment of enterprises, callings, and fields. Since it is comprised of a progression of squares, every one of which incorporates an exceptional snippet of data, this strategy for information transport is unimaginably secure. This creative innovation is quick acquiring conspicuousness because of its one of a kind qualities. At the point when this innovation is utilized, functional productivity and exactness improve, while uses reduction and straightforwardness moves along. The TELEFY undertaking’s essential group has conceived an imaginative methodology for separating themselves from the other digital money endeavors now being worked on.
As indicated by blockchain industry specialists, the absence of a multifunctional job first and foremost or foundation’s biological system has been a major wellspring of uneasiness for by far most of bitcoin financial backers. Most of financial backers and dealers are redirected to finish their exchanges because of the absence of a multifunctional work in the newbie’s or alternately foundation’s biological system.

Why TeleFy :

Telefy is the world’s first financial assessment situated multi-chain DeFi that is staying put, as well as the first of its sort in the entire biological system.
Telefy Finance is a stage made to assist with fundamentally altering the manner in which the whole biological system works in a crypto viewpoint by presenting a few many elements that will upgrade the site. This was made to help with tackling a few issues being looked in DeFi the Financial arrangements and assisting with disposing of outsiders and financier associated with the inheritance models. By permitting every part to get nearby and pay at their own helpful and set time.

TELE is an authorized and confirmed token that has been laid forth for participants as a currency in Telefy Finance in order for you to be able to engage in polling or exchanging of any token in the system.
This platform allows you to acquire Tele Coin by staking Tel-LP tokens, and the liquidity pool stake will be computed and distributed as a reward to everyone who contributed to the liquidity pool.



  • Tele Trade is a multi-chain innovation that permits clients to trade monetary forms while expanding liquidity through the use of AMM (Automated Market Maker).


  • Tele Lend is a multi-chain, computerized loaning framework that permits clients to loan or get cash utilizing Tele Score.
    This was simplified for each and every individual who utilizes the site since it permits you to loan or get concurring on the qualification and realness of your Tele score.


  • Tele Score is a multi-chain programmable framework for deciding clients' credit value in light of their possessions, exchange history, and a couple of other relevant information. This is a score acquired because of your inclusion and devotion to utilizing the application.


  • The multi-chain idea permits clients who own TELE Coin to take an interest in the debut DEX offering (IDO).


  • NFT commercial center has many chains where you might trade NFT. Tele NFT convention charges will be scattered to TELE partner clients.
    Due to the quirk of NFT Tele is ready to make it advantageous by fostering a subsite where NFT tasks might be finished, stamping, selling, and furthermore making yours and posting it for purchaser.


Conclusion :

The way the system was designed to aid in the collectiveness of numerous chain protocols that will serve and allow participants to operate and achieve so much more on a single platform is what distinguishes it from all other Finances platforms.

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Forum Username: Operagx21

Forum Profile Link:;u=3453058

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ERC20 Wallet Address: 0xeF8FB3d4F419Cd4cC94241bcB9e3aB0dCfF1CC75

