“The Intrinsic Path to Self-Improvement: Embracing Individual Agency” |”No Guru’s Allowed”!!!

3 min readSep 8, 2023

Content Introduction

Self-improvement has long been a subject of fascination and pursuit for individuals seeking personal growth and development. The quest to become a better version of oneself is a universal aspiration. In this essay, we delve into the concept of “Self-Improve” and argue that the most authentic and effective way to achieve self-improvement is by embracing the idea that it is an individual, intrinsic journey. We contend that there are no hidden secrets or external gurus needed in this process; rather, the key lies in listening to oneself and working on personal growth privately.

I. The Illusion of Hidden Secrets

In the modern era, a proliferation of self-help gurus, coaches, and instructors has emerged, promising to unveil the secret pathways to self-improvement. While some may genuinely provide valuable insights, it is essential to question whether the true essence of self-improvement lies in external guidance or within oneself. Many individuals fall into the trap of seeking elusive secrets, hoping that a guru’s wisdom will provide the shortcut to personal growth. However, this essay posits that such secrets are often illusory.




Ibrahim Arrahim is a motivational speaker, consultant, a Vietnam Veteran, writer, civics teacher, publisher, and Satori Bespoke Men’s Apparel