“The Principle of Mentalism: Exploring the Maxim ‘The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental’”

23 min readDec 28, 2023


This essay explores the principle of Mentalism, a cornerstone of Hermetic philosophy, encapsulated in the maxim, ‘The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental.’ This ancient principle, despite its esoteric origin, finds significant resonance in the 21st-century discourse, straddling the domains of New Age spirituality, quantum physics, psychology, and digital technology.

Mentalism posits that the universe and all its physical manifestations are fundamentally mental constructs. This principle has been reinterpreted and popularized in contemporary New Age philosophy, particularly through the law of attraction and manifestation, asserting the power of the human mind in shaping individual reality.

Moreover, certain interpretations of quantum physics, like the observer effect, echo the Mentalist worldview, suggesting the role of consciousness in determining physical reality. This idea has been explored by quantum physicists like Amit Goswami and philosophers like Rupert Sheldrake, albeit amidst considerable debate.

The principle of Mentalism also finds relevance in psychology, particularly in cognitive therapies that underscore the influence of thoughts and perceptions on mental health. The rise of mindfulness and…




Ibrahim Arrahim is a motivational speaker, consultant, a Vietnam Veteran, writer, civics teacher, publisher, and Satori Bespoke Men’s Apparel