How food and attraction have a mysterious connection: What to eat before a date (and what to avoid)

3 min readMar 19, 2023


There are a lot of things to think about when dating to make sure you give your date the best impression possible. Every little thing matters, from choosing the right outfit to where to go. But did you know that what you eat before a date can also affect how attractive you look to your potential partner? In this article, we’ll talk about how food affects attraction and give you some tips on what to eat (and what not to eat) before a date.

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How food and attraction work according to science

An old saying says that you can get to a man’s heart through his stomach, but this isn’t always true. New research have shown that both men and women are attracted to people who smell good, and the smell of food can play a big role in how attractive someone looks.

Research shows that the smell of some foods can change the way the body makes pheromones, which are chemical signals that can affect sexual attraction. Foods with strong smells, like garlic and onions, can turn off potential partners, while vanilla and cinnamon can be liked by both men and women.

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What to eat (and what not to eat) before a date

Now that we know how food affects attraction, let’s talk about what to eat (or not eat) before a date to make the best impression possible.

What to eat:

Fruits and vegetables: Eating fruits and vegetables can give you more energy and make you feel more alert and focused on your date.

Lean Protein: Foods like chicken and fish are good sources of lean protein, which can help you feel full and satisfied during your date.

Whole Grains: Whole grains like brown rice and quinoa can give you steady energy and help you feel full for longer.

Spices: Adding spices like cinnamon and cardamom to your food can make it smell good, which can make your date more interested in you.

Avoid these foods:

Garlic and Onion: Both garlic and onions have strong smells that might turn your date off.

Alcohol: A glass of wine or a cocktail can help calm your nerves, but if you drink too much, you can look messy and unattractive.

Junk Food: Eating junk food like chips and candy can make you feel sluggish and tired, which can affect your energy on the date.


In conclusion, what you eat before a date can have a big effect on how attractive you look to your potential partner. Eating a lot of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains can help you feel alert and energetic on your date. Avoiding foods like garlic, onions, and junk food can help you avoid bad breath and feeling tired. So, the next time you go on a date, think carefully about what you eat. You might be surprised at how much it can help your chances of finding love.

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