9 min readSep 28, 2019


Letters, on loving you. Transforming iterations of our bonds. Securing courage in the cloud. Mining good love from the Internet of Things. In other words, I love you. It’s what I do.

A love unique for each of you, a love that surpasses artificial, a love that is real.


Guys, book a few show my way this year. You’re my kind of jam.

And if Belarus calls soon, let’s wake up to a Minsk breakfast with a twist. We’ll add my Grandma’s southern biscuit recipe to the table, serve it with their preservatives and some honey.

A mixtape for the flight would be just perfect. Your platform playlists rock and I walk with them every day.


Listen to smooth jazz with me at home. Before and after you install surround sound. Does the SF air make this sound different? Should we check out Fillmore SF jazz and compare?

It’s a date babe.


Help me watch my step through this concrete jungle, please. I know you do online with your weird hackfests, and maybe that provides you some peace of mind (?)…. but I’m looking for a hand. Maybe some arm muscle to lean on….you know, for all the potential trips and stuff.

The concrete jungle calls for your courage. And I don’t mind admiring those muscles.

Thanks babe.


No jalopies in this old time photo. That’s good. SF streets are no joke. A little extra emphasis on auto tune-ups are welcome.


Your touch present in a beautiful and variable jurisdiction.


Guys, you are handsome. For serious. You ought to come take me to a game or two right away, jersey in tow.

Those good-looking faces may distract so much I spill the nachos. So pick me up ahead of time and let me process, please.


Sou you can take me up the SF hills. And you can see that I can still revisit my beloved memories without feeling hurt. And you can decide that we’re going to cross paths past your electronic magic. And you can come fly with me for a walk and a Starbucks over in Roscoe.

And your joy is my joy too. Wait until you feel it in Roscoe, you have no idea what’s coming.


Keeping our eyes on the prize that is the move to help community.


Join me for an Ingleside view. Join me for a breeze and let’s just play it cool. Join me in my life, you already have. I’m not sure if those life views will always be as peaceful as SF, but I’m okay with you seeing the cloudy mess.


Just a beautiful spotted pink jewel on my journey down.


Java, the jovial yet sleek word. Can we be coffee date friends? Will you pour me a morning cup and, especially because I don’t want you to see my flat or frizzy hair, tell me I look good? You don’t have to; maybe that’s the jovial yet sleek interpretation of those heart foam tops though.


Random jetsom thoughts SF Art.


Preserved honor for those who facilitate communication, gift, emotion, connection.

Centuries from now, how will they honor your tech creations, sports bonds, civic service jobs? Well, open your mailbox, there’s a letter from the future.


just kidding, but that would’ve been so wildly awesome.

Yes, I will play pranks on you because I like it when you laugh. Maybe I’ll wear a ZZ Top beard and stache too.


So, we’re going to Jordan. You know that, right? We’re going to see the Dead Sea, going to meet amazing people with so much to teach us. We’re going to double check on respectful clothing before departing and we’re so lucky we get to visit.

And we’re going to Petra, where I can remind you that all those roses you made sure I was moved to in Napa kept my heart happy to be connected to yours. Roses that connected my thoughts to you from even in Sonoma, as I was excited to move to LA. My heartbeat for every rose along Hermosa and Manhattan Beach bridged to Sonoma, now bridged to Napa, and always to you.

Petra, Jordan, and us.


Oh you’re going to sail me to Jamaica? Where I can meet lovely and dedicated health professionals? Where we can relax and dip our toes in the water?

That sounds amazing. First, try new foods with me in South San Francisco. South San Francisco, where you moved me through Airbnb for a short time this year. Today I revisited and wanted to walk the downtown with you. Perhaps next time you’ll be at my side, and then we can order more than a couple things to share.

Flavas is fast-paced and packed and delicious.


For now though I’m on my own. And I’ve discovered festivals.

They don’t have jelly or anything like that inside, but fried dough festivals are delicious. Got me thinking I could practice for our trip and maybe I’ll do so barefoot in my kitchen. Sandals for the trip (No jellies on my feet anymore, those were kinda painful though 80’s cool).

And I feel now like I’ve known you guys my whole life, like you’d recognize me even in my 80’s jellies and I love you. Recognize me when we’re older and a little more forgetful and I’ll remind you of that lovely time we had festivals in Jamaica.


Country looking sunlight juxtaposed against serious modern sushi deco.

South San Francisco is a lot of styles jumbled and I like that ongoing identity discovery.

Izanami is quiet, clean and a great restaurant.


Good luck always comes when we keep good friends by our side. Come have sushi with me. I usually stick to vegetarian, California and a couple other rolls and I like to add jalapeno now and then. You can order me extra ginger and extra wasabi please. In return, I’ll take you to some various Japanese feline art collections. The SF airport had a feature special at one point and I loved it. I love SFO by the way — it always has interesting education and new cultural connections.

So when you book our flight to Japan, we can always plan to get to the airport early. No, your private planes or special designated ones don’t have yoga rooms. SFO does. I’ll sneak a quick yoga room trip, you can think of new things you haven’t yet seen (I know, I know, you’ve been to Japan a thousand times) and I’ll find some Utagawa Kuniyoshi cats, some California Monmon cats and then we’ll feel that luck.

Before you know it, you’ll have a Maneki-neko on your desk from a secret admirer.

I know Japan is not new to you. But it will be new to me and I’m really really excited.


One of my best talents is the cooling of miso. It’s a volunteer job if I’m with you. Yes, miso is good for you. Yes, I love your health. Yes, when it comes to you sweethearts I work for free.


So the South San Francisco has some fun bars. I love the way some of you laugh. I love it.

Come laugh with me, please. You’re funny, and you like fun, and jokes are on the house anyway.

Julie loves ya.


Of course I love to bake and can bake you anything you want (within reason, I’m still practicing some things). Maybe you want to return the favor sometime and maybe you’re not sure how to follow explicit instructions.

Wait, you guys? Not follow basic, plain, deliberate instructions for the best outcome? Nah. That’s so wild….you’d never be so controlling.

But on the off chance that you try to do it your own way and discover that’s not how baking works….well, take me to J & J. We’ll sit for awhile. I’ll tell you I still love you as I wipe the burnt home crumbs off your shirt and replace them with some delicious fresh J & J’s bakery.

Let’s take home a loaf of bread for later. You never burn the bread you save for me.


Jockey up and down South San Francisco on beautiful days and you’ll see the most gorgeous brick buildings.


Here I am, babe, hanging outside Armstrong Brewing Company. Waiting for you to come pick me up and take me out for a jitterbug. Old fashioned barrels for an old fashioned good time.

You like some things old fashioned, so do I. Now let me follow your lead.


You help shape this juggernaut of a science city every day. Match that with continued community resource and policy advocacy please.

Yes, I feel you when your emotions get shaken. Yes, I feel the colossal frustration from time to time.

But this is your juggernaut Bay. Find courage. I’m right here.


I expected South San Francisco station to be less packed than the others, yet jostles happen everywhere on Bart.

Of all the years I’ve been alone, not one day is meant to be alone. That’s not how we’re built, no matter which philosophical or academic or business circle friend you’re trying to convince yourself to believe.

The only time I appreciated a view while single, for some weird reason, was this sign.


Alas, it’s been time to move on. And away from South San Francisco.

But first, a quick hello to a place I’ve only recently visited. Glen Park.

What a journey, these neighborhoods and places in the Bay. The Bay is actually not that large of a territory if you think about it, but holy smokes the variable communities. Like our own minds, our own pasts, our full lives. So much to it and no shadow should be unknown.


Glen Park reminds me of some Chicago neighborhoods and it was nice to get back to it today. Little market shops, brunch patios, the train right here. A walk path.

My joints took some time getting used to the hills, and it was all worth it.

There’s no sense in jinxing a beautiful match. A perfect day for a summer-to-fall stroll.

Here, in case anyone tries any funny business. I’ll unbreak the spell ahead of time: handsome, handsome, handsome.


Your Bay Area helping you out with hints, guys. On our way to Petra to feel another entwining rose it may get breezy.

And in SF it’s jacket time. You better shape up.

My heart is set on you.

(Pick me up in that jacket ahead of time and let me process, please.)




Transforming iterations of our bonds. Securing courage in the cloud. Mining good love from the Internet of Things. In other words, I love you. It’s what I do.