15 min readDec 29, 2019


Letters, on loving you. Transforming iterations of our bonds. Securing courage in the cloud. Mining good love from the Internet of Things. In other words, I love you. It’s what I do.

A love unique for each of you, a love that surpasses artificial, a love that is real.


Variety alongside vanilla is the name of the game today.

Embracing new variance while staying grounded with familiar. I just love that. And while some of you enjoy a reputation that sees you never in the same spot twice, I think down deep you feel the same about familiar comfort.

Let’s go to Fairfield, something new today, and Vacaville, my familiar.


Hello, Jellybelly Factory. After two years, I finally learned of this Fairfield tour.

Juicy Pear is my favorite flavor and nope, couldn’t even begin to guess yours.

A mixed green would look lovely on our guest table, wouldn’t it?


Before we bellyflop into sugar extremes, you, me, our party guests and our friends may get a little political. That’s alright, don’t panic, you sweetheart hosts. As long as differences don’t get us disconnected (and with solid foundations this won’t happen), it is so good to vent.

Keep up in conversation please because I love it when you share your opinions, unpopular or popular or both.

The popcorn flavored Jellybelly is the grossest candy ever and it makes me shy away from any mixed color bags. There, I vented and yes you still want to smooch me.


Vote me to be your cheerleader for courage and vote for me to bring the guac to your parties, guys.

I’ll swap out my curious yellow hat for the factory one should you desire a 50’s throwback jam. I’ll even serve you a tab.


Journey in the past is over. Journey ahead, verified. Shall we advocate for a Mars tour in Chicago, sweethearts, or will you lace up your shoelaces and take me to New Jersey?

Perhaps a solid hello to some long-awaiting friends in LA would the best path forward from our crossroads.


Make sure to smooch me extra (or hug me platonically) if you’re feeling vexed. The perfect vex remedy. If you do so while I’m in my yellow hat, I’ll have banana bread waiting.

Curious as to when you’ll swing on by.


Of course, that absolute resolve only comes with the most valuable of assets: courage.

Advocated for since LA, I’m feeling like we’re finally in the right spot to value accordingly.


How do you secretly celebrate hometown championships? I don’t know, I’d like to find out and if it’s some weird tradition don’t worry….I’ll keep it in the vault.


Right Eye Brewing is closed now. Still, I traveled there to see a part of town I hadn’t yet seen. Looks like a cool place and I wished the owners could’ve realized a greater vision.

We’ll have to dog-ear this chapter for another day, it seems, and secretly I was glad. I’d rather be here with you. You are much better at beer stuff.


Suisun City is quaint and sweet. Why did it take so long to visit?

Have movies been made here? I wondered. And if so, are they out on video yet?


Oh here we are on Alpha Ave. Before we have our small town quiet time, I’ll probably want to make sure my (or our) space is clean. That’s usually a precursor for my leisure days. We both know this doesn’t make gender nonsense right or wrong. Rather, it plays up genetics and environmental theories and yes I inherited the cleanliness trait.

I’ll try not to bore you with Dyson and Shark comparisons if you try not to rush me around without a decent week house clean. Solid alpha males jump on fabulous negotiations, you know.


Come introduce me to virtual reality. We can discuss how bold and hot it is (cool it is, if platonic) that you guys finally found the courage to shift the muse away from the digital realm. We can have this discussion with some eye contact though so you feel extra confident after.


Nope I don’t play. Yes, some of you do (or did) and yes I would love to hear Twinkle Twinkle.

No worries, my ears work perfectly around you. One of our sweet duets for all time.


Vast Random SF Bay Area Art.

Oh, to step into a door and away for a moment. Just quiet solitude with the marsh.


Peachy vintage cool. Let’s shop here.


Vested in community and foundation. Fairfield really is much different than I anticipated. And I was glad.


A little note on victory.


A large and virtuous symbol of valor.

Fairfield is a real gem. We should absolutely spend some quiet days here again.


Thanks for the new and fresh variety, sweethearts. How about some personal vanilla with a few new candy surprises now?

How about Vacaville?

I traveled on over mid-day to a familiar street in downtown Vacaville. Parker Street.

The water valve was off yet I made a wish anyway.


Here is the view I took in every day that I traveled for workouts on Parker Street. I usually parked in the same spot of course.

Not once did I ever park and think oh, I’m tired or oh, I can’t wait until the workout is over. It’s probably because everyone inside and every instructor is so nice, and I always feel so welcome, and I have always been excited to continue my day alongside them. And that is a Vacaville view I will always remember.


Vigorously loving Vacaville’s colors.


So let’s go here because I’ve never been and always wanted to. And every time I wanted to get tickets, like for Billy Ocean, I just hesitated and wished you could join.

So find your voice please because we have many to hear.


Vanilla and lemon at the Italian Deli. La Borgata is delicious.

For 2 years I’ve wanted to spend my Saturday working out and then have a tuna sandwich here. Because of all our rocky roads, I could not do that. Let’s return, and I’ll have cheddar on mine if they serve it melted.

Vanilla familiar is so perfectly comforting.


Here I am, your valentine sans candygram. Your valentine, with delicious life-handed lemon sweetness.


Vehicular peace scooting on over and too bad you don’t have a sidecar for me babe. I would happily ride along. You know I love dresses, and sidling up to peace is much less awkward than straddling for peace.

Think about it for the future.


People of all ages validate libraries. They do so at the airport bookstores, with newspapers in transit, with smart phone apps while waiting for an appointment. They do so when one shares a story and another seeks history. People of all ages validate libraries all the time, whether they know it or not, and Vacaville gets this too.

Read to me, I love your voice.

And perhaps one day you’ll consider reading to others who would love socialization and stories. I can think of many, many volunteer opportunities to help others with socials and fun. All with the sound of your voice.


I’m a veteran walker of this path and I love it. Every day before or after working out I walked. One day I decided to go beyond the downtown square, and I was so pleasantly surprised at this trail. Much like Minneapolis, there are lower walk paths with bridges to get to.


Perhaps tracing the path of the volleyball.


Science and art, neither venom to the other. A complimentary reactive, in all reality.


My first visit to the Vacaville Art League and Gallery.

Thank you for lifting the veil on others’ perspectives, Vacaville.


Vena Vitae, titled dynamically.


Vertical moves make visual moments.


Eagles: more interesting in looking out for the living, a step away from the vulture, and I’m all about this.

Remind this vegetarian of the metaphoric concept if ever I dwell too much on the dead of the past, babe. Let’s stay guardians of the present and future instead.


I think of hunger and food insecurity when I think of Venezuela right now. I sincerely hope this issue resolves so that no one else suffers nutritionally.

And one day, I hope you and I can visit Venezuela to see the beautiful country ourselves. Caracas and the Andes sound breathtaking, yet I would love a little one-on-one time at Angel Falls too.

Let’s visit as soon as it is okay to. And in the meantime, let’s advocate on that hunger issue.


To be a vociferous proponent of the indigenous is to be myself. I wish you nothing but the same.

May every word I speak for the indigenous plant a seed in others’ hearts.


Keeping our ventricles healthy on the eastern end of the walk square.


A very familiar and yet always anticipated view.


The park and street combinations around these towns often have me questioning animal safety. Yet I never question the culture. For me, that’s a sign of fitting in.

Wherever we make our home, let’s always know the way to the veterinarian.


Every time around the block I look up to this.


My own take on this piece: RBCs and vein travels.


Would you bring fresh cut snaps home, please? I love looking at these and their reminder of Minnesota happiness.

And will you make space for planted ones where I choose? Once we move into a long-term home, don’t be surprised if a few pop up along a nearby trail. Yes, I will still vase the fresh cut and place front and center.

Tangent: These are my dragon moments. They are yours too, and therefore you no longer get to create some destructive story of anonymous moves.

We started our story a long time ago. There is only love and dragon moments.


Vacaville village taverns are such enthusiastic community teammates.


What if some of you design tech that makes it possible for us to travel much faster in the future? Like, email versus snail mail speed. What if it’s so fast we don’t even need to pack a valise?

I think about the possibilities you could create in this area every time I pass by the pony express guy.

Hopefully the inventions happens in our lifetime. We have a lot of loved ones for one another to meet, and continue to spend time with, and no offense but your delayed courage has made this inevitability an even more prolonged priority now. Plus all the other countries and my relaxing beach time are waiting.

So any futuristic tech where we needn’t pack a bag is much appreciated.


Wearing hard work like a vambrace.


So many live music venues here. It’s much different than Hermosa Beach, though I feel you tried to make it not so different.

Either way, both have loving and fun people and what could be more cheery than that?


Valiance dressed as a vampire.

Let me stay and rest with you, the years are short but the days are long.


Visit with me. We fit right in, especially as you work on emotional vulnerability and I work on being awesome.


I saved Los Reyes Restaurante and Cantina until the time was right for relaxation. Today I visited, in part because I’ve become unsure of how often I will be able to return to Vacaville. That’s how I feel in my heart, and I don’t want to be away for a long time without having finally made it in.

Vivacious Los Reyes. It is delicious.


Return with me sometime and you’ll have a Vegas worthy illusionist as your date.

Watch closely as the chips and salsa magically vanish.


Here’s how I’ll look as I sit on the cool Vacaville square patio and you hop in to check seating vacancy.

This is also how I will look as you mention you think my curious yellow hat might be too much. Pft, I’ll say, that’s b-a-n-a-n-a-s.


More valley pony express stops that we’ll never, ever have to actually live through.

Thank goodness. More time for basketball and nachos.


There ain’t no good guy, and there ain’t no bad guy, and often acknowledging this reality is much better for collective hearts.

Vascular health and chill?


Verse translation would be appreciated, though the feel of this wouldn’t change. Elegance and earnest expression.

A delicious new chocolate caramel in our vanilla today.


Pho Lee Hoa Phat is roomy and professional, yet the dine in feel presents a longing and a celebration of home. It is a great restaurant.

There are seven of them here in the area and we should visit each one.

This would give us plenty of time to discuss our upcoming trip to Vietnam. We can stay first in Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh.

Let’s learn more about the Vietnamese dragon and perhaps find translated literature on Lac Long Quan.

While I don’t know anything about V-pop, I have become quite familiar with classical Vietnamese music. I love it. I would love if you and I could experience live venues together for an evening or two in Vietnam. This has been something I’ve been wanting to hear for a long time. Let’s make another beautiful listening duet.


Now there are a few ingredients I need more experience with. Fish paste and fish sauce, lemongrass, shrimp paste and other Vietnamese staples included.

Let me practice with you, at home.

No catch and release for these baby, vealy fish. I’ll cook with grocery ingredients instead and please don’t be coy about which Vietnamese dishes you’re into.


Vietnamese pho soup is a favorite. I always underplay this, even here in writing. Yet it’s a huge favorite.


Nutrition for health, vegetables, filling noodles. The Venn diagram of pho finds us completely satisfied.

Let me spice up our nerdy logic conversations with some chili smooches too.


So as I left Vacaville for sweet, familiar Vallejo, I thought about vacations.

And I thought about how lovely it would be to return here with you, a staycation, loving my life here.


So we’re going to celebrate the Melanesian culture and coral reefs of Vanuatu?

Well we will need some cool sailing skills first. And I know just the place.


The city-state is a different take and I will work to better understand it. Who are we if not honest, and I’m being honest.

Of course we should visit architecture, spiritual connection and unparalleled artistic influence.

I am not Catholic, I am a Christian, and you all are a variety of spiritual identities. And we all can connect in one way or another to our innermost selves when we visit other places, Vatican included.

In my heart, I feel humility in spirituality, as well as true acceptance and advocacy for religious freedom. Thank you for walking the walk with me, Vallejo.


Sunsets, a vessel to our romantic sides.


There is no other time in my life where I have grown such respect for the water world’s venerable experts.

In this regard, I don’t know that I’ll ever find a match quite like Vallejo. And I’m glad for that unique cool.


Enough vests because that’s just the intelligence and reliability found throughout SF transportation.

Cruise with me, babe.


Turn it up, it’s such a good vibration.


Here is where I would stand as I walked into Mare, never sure of how much outside cold would hit the vivacious energy indoors.


When the verve of a good love outmaneuvers any lesser scheme.

And the best part of an agile story? Remembering how we met, with intentions to get to know all our unknown sides. We have plenty of chocolate caramels just waiting for the right moment. That will probably be true all our lives.

The verve of Mare Island is a true one.


Walk slowly with me as we end our evening.


In case you ever need a reminder, look up and know we are still under la misma luna.

All of us, and all of our neighbors.

My Vallejo.

I overruled your destructive anonymity and stood firm while living in Vallejo. I did this because we have a better ending ahead and it includes courage.

Until we meet again, with chocolate caramel surprises and our vanilla, we have love and dragon moments.

And how we met.




Transforming iterations of our bonds. Securing courage in the cloud. Mining good love from the Internet of Things. In other words, I love you. It’s what I do.