Does Muscle Weigh More Than Fat?

Lovely Lifter
3 min readAug 13, 2019


You have probably heard this myth 100’s of times.

But if you stop and really think about it and re-ask that question regarding anything else, it doesn’t really make much sense.

Does beef weigh more than chicken?

Does broccoli weigh more than cabbage?

Do rocks weigh more than feathers?

Well…. how much of each do you have?!

A pound/kilo of anything weighs the same as a pound/kilo of anything else. Unless, of course, you own some of those magical muscles that have their own gravitational pull…

What is heaver — A kilo of bricks or a kilo of marshmallows?

They are both the same!

However, does the amount in size look different…? YES!

A pound of fat takes up a much greater cross sectional area than a pound of muscle, despite both weighing one pound. And this is where the confusion often comes in.

So the question should really be, is muscle denser then fat? And that answer is a definite YES!

Can a leaner, smaller person weigh more than a person holding more body fat? Yes.

Can you gain muscle mass and be heavier on the scale but still look slimmer, leaner and more toned? Yes!

In fact, that’s what happened to me when I started lifting weights. My scale weight went up, but my clothes size and body fat levels went down.

When people say they want to become more “toned” this ultimately means carrying less fat (the stuff that takes up more space per kg) and gaining more muscle (the stuff that takes up less space per kg), resulting in a firmer body.

Building muscle is bloody hard work, let me tell you. So if you’re still worried that you’re going to look all ‘jacked’ then that’s another myth to put to bed.

For a woman to look like a buff bodybuilder they have to do a VERY specific set of things. First off, you have to want to look that way. It doesn’t happen by accident because you started weight training. You’d have to be lifting heavy things obsessively 5+ days per week, with a structured program for YEARS, along with eating a strict diet with a surplus of calories. So instead of looking at a muscular woman in worry, remember, they want to look like that and they worked bloody hard to get there! They should be rewarded and praised for there dedication.

But let’s move on from how it makes you look, to the awesome things more muscle mass can help your body DO!

It makes you more independent. I’m not just talking about being able to move better as an older person. But even silly things like hoisting your own luggage about with ease. I’ll never forget that guy’s face on the train when I politely declined his assistance and easily chucked my heavy case up onto the overhead rack.

It helps you perform better. Whether in the gym, in a sport/activity or anywhere else, muscle mass can make us produce more force, whereas fat… well it kinda just sits there not doing a whole lot.

It boosts your confidence. This is something you simply need to experience to believe but when you can lift up more than your own bodyweight it gives you a certain pride and self assurance inside that no amount of cardio can do. You just feel like a more powerful woman!

It increases your fitness. One thing I’ve noticed down at BFAST Fitness is that the women who tend to be able to hold their own more in the fitness group sessions tend to be the strongest ones. Why is this? Well simply because if you can deadlift 70–100kg on a bar, doing it with a 16kg kettlebell in a group session is a breeze! Your body becomes more efficient at moving lighter loads when your maximum strength increases as it means that you’re using less effort than someone who isn’t as strong. winner!

This is why slimming clubs are complete rubbish. When all they do is focus on is the number on the scales. Did you know woman are more than their scale weight? Wow, what a revelation

So what you waiting for?! Go grab your gym kit and meet me at the bar…..

