Christian Rapper YB Rebrands to 808 BEEZY


Christian Rapper YB has recently underwent a rebrand and his new name is 808 BEEZY! YB is a rapper that has been around for years and has done several millions of streams, even today he posted that on Spotify alone he did 11.5 Million streams! This rebrand does shock some people as a surprise due to his status as YB, but he told us that, “there are too many YB accounts on streaming and my music always gets mixed in with those guys. I wanted something more original”.

YB has told us that the music will not change, his message to uplift people will stay the same and the new name is simply a marketing move for a better career and a more searchable brand.

Listen to 808 BEEZY below’



Love Mercy Music Group LLC.

Lead Writer: Deon Richardson Jr. Marketing Agency, Record Label, and Management Company