7 Dark and Manipulative Tactics to Make Men OBSESS Over You


Do you want to make a man obsess over you? Are you willing to go to any length to make him yours? Then you need to learn some dark and manipulative tactics that will make him fall head over heels for you. In this article, we will explore seven such tactics that are sure to make any man obsessed with you.

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7 Dark and Manipulative Tactics to Make Men OBSESS Over You Credit Pixabay.com


When it comes to making a man obsessed with you, there are a lot of tactics that you can use. Some of these tactics are innocent and harmless, while others are dark and manipulative. In this article, we will be focusing on the latter. These tactics are not for the faint of heart and should only be used by those who are willing to take risks to get what they want.

1. Play Hard to Get

One of the oldest tricks in the book is to play hard to get. This means that you should act disinterested and aloof, making the man work for your attention. This tactic works because it creates a sense of challenge and mystery, making the man want to chase you even more.

Playing hard to get is a common tactic used to make a man obsessed with you. This involves acting disinterested or aloof, making the man work for your attention. By making the man pursue you, you create a sense of challenge and mystery that can be very attractive to him.

One way to play hard to get is to delay your responses to his calls or texts, or to be unavailable at times when he wants to see you.

It’s important to note, however, that playing hard to get can backfire if taken too far. If you are too distant or unresponsive, the man may lose interest and move on. It’s important to find a balance between being available and showing interest, while also creating a sense of challenge and mystery.

This will make him wonder about your interest in him, and he may become more persistent in his efforts to win you over.

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7 Dark and Manipulative Tactics to Make Men OBSESS Over You Credit Pixabay.com

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2. Use Emotional Blackmail

Emotional blackmail is a manipulative tactic that involves making the man feel guilty or responsible for your happiness. This can be done by using phrases like

“If you really loved me, you would…” or “I don’t know what I would do without you.”

This tactic works because it creates a sense of obligation in the man, making him feel like he needs to stay with you to make you happy.

Another way to use emotional blackmail is to make the man feel responsible for your emotions. For example, you might say things like “You make me so happy” or “I don’t know what I would do without you.” This can make him feel like he’s responsible for your happiness, and he may feel like he needs to stay with you to keep you happy.

3. Flirt with Other Men

Flirting with other men is a tactic that is sure to make any man jealous. This can be done subtly, by talking to other men and laughing at their jokes, or more overtly, by flirting with them in front of the man you want to make obsessed with you.

This tactic works because it creates a sense of competition, making the man want to prove that he is better than the other men.

However, it’s important to note that using this tactic can be damaging to your relationship in the long run. Flirting with other men can make your partner feel disrespected and unimportant. It can also erode trust and create feelings of insecurity, which can ultimately lead to the end of the relationship.

If you’re interested in a healthy relationship, it’s important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about your feelings and needs. Instead of resorting to manipulative tactics like flirting with other men, try to find ways to build trust and strengthen your relationship. This might include spending quality time together, showing appreciation for one another, and being open to compromise and forgiveness.

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7 Dark and Manipulative Tactics to Make Men OBSESS Over You Credit Pixabay.com

4. Use Manipulative Language

Manipulative language is a tactic that involves using words and phrases that are designed to manipulate the man’s emotions. This can be done by using phrases like “I need you” or “You complete me.” This tactic works because it creates a sense of dependence in the man, making him feel like he needs to be with you to be happy.

While this tactic may seem effective in the short term, it can ultimately lead to unhealthy patterns of behavior in a relationship. Relying on manipulative language can make a man feel trapped or suffocated, and may eventually lead to resentment or a loss of trust.

If you want to build a healthy relationship with a man, it’s important to communicate openly and honestly about your feelings and needs.

Use language that is clear and direct, and avoid trying to manipulate the man’s emotions or actions. By building a relationship based on mutual trust and respect, you can create a foundation for a happy and fulfilling partnership.

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7 Dark and Manipulative Tactics to Make Men OBSESS Over You Credit Pixabay.com

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5. Create Drama

Creating drama is a tactic that involves creating a sense of chaos and uncertainty in the man’s life. This can be done by starting arguments or by making him feel like he is in danger of losing you. This tactic works because it creates a sense of urgency in the man, making him want to hold on to you even tighter.

By creating drama, you can make a man feel like he needs to constantly fight to keep you in his life. This can be effective in the short term, but it can also create an unhealthy pattern of behavior that ultimately damages the relationship.

Healthy relationships are built on trust, communication, and mutual respect. While it’s natural for couples to have disagreements and conflicts from time to time, creating drama intentionally can lead to feelings of mistrust and resentment. Instead of creating drama, focus on communicating openly and honestly with your partner about your needs and concerns. Work together to find solutions that work for both of you, and create a relationship based on mutual trust and respect.

7 Dark and Manipulative Tactics to Make Men OBSESS Over You Credit Pixabay.com

6. Use Physical Contact

Physical contact is a powerful tool that can be used to make a man obsessed with you. This can be done by touching him lightly on the arm or by standing close to him. This tactic works because it creates a sense of intimacy and connection, making the man feel like he is already in a relationship with you.

Physical contact creates a sense of intimacy and closeness, which can lead to feelings of attraction and desire. By using physical contact strategically, you can make a man feel like he is already in a relationship with you, even if you are not yet together.

However, it’s important to note that physical contact should always be consensual and respectful. Using physical contact as a manipulative tactic can be harmful and disrespectful if the man is not comfortable with it. It’s also important to consider cultural and personal boundaries when using physical contact as a tactic.


Using these dark and manipulative tactics is not for everyone. They require a certain level of confidence and willingness to take risks. However, if you are willing to take the plunge, these tactics are sure to make any man obsessed with

Certainly! The conclusion of the article summarizes the seven dark and manipulative tactics that have been presented in the article as ways to make a man obsess over you. The author notes that these tactics are not suitable for everyone, as they require a certain level of confidence and willingness to take risks.

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Love Method|Get Him Or Her To Obsess Over You!

Hi there, my name is Neesha and I'm a 23-year-old woman who is fascinated by the psychology revolving love & loving relationships & studied psychology