Loving “Rammers”

Mamma Burch
5 min readJun 23, 2017


This is my first ever blog! (gulp)… and I’ve been in “avoidance” mode about it for weeks. Although I generally have a lot to say, it’s soooo much harder ‘brain-dumping it’ onto virtual paper, :-)) So here we go, let the VD flow!

I Love Ramsgate.

(Yes I do!)
It’s where I live, with my family (4 boys, a dog and my husband), and where I will stay, forever. It’s an incredible place to live, for everyone, but especially for families or outdoorsy types who have a penchant for the sea. I grew up living in Devon and Cornwall, so its in my blood to live by the sea and I wanted to give my children the same opportunities and freedom that I had growing up. They have it in ‘spades’ here!

Ramsgate Royal Harbour (image: Brian Whitehead)

Ramsgate has much to offer the masses, be they tourist, local, child/parent/grandparent, piss-artist, zen-seaker or outdoors activity fanatic. It presents a truly rich architectural history, the ONLY Royal Harbour in the UK, several Blue-Flag sandy beaches, a Port, a hugely talented and growing creative community, (artists, musicians, creatives, actors, photographers), lovely parks, and numerous fantastic coastal walks/cycle routes, plus so much more.

Why a Blog?

Although Ramsgate is (in my view), awesome, it’s evident that what was once a thriving, wealthy seaside holiday Town, now see’s some areas in decline after decades of austerity due to the hayday of tourism relocating abroad thanks to cheaper flights; the Port losing the ferry to Belgium, the Western Undercliff and the ransomed “Pleasurama Site” on the Main Sands beach, to mention a few.

This has prompted a group of local people to begin thinking of ways to regenerate these areas to bring them back into their former glory and create new, exciting projects to be enjoyed by visitors, our children and the community for future generations.

Ramsgate Maritime Village — Community Group for Regeneration

I decided I wanted to help if I could. So I’ve started this blog, and the Love Ramsgate Facebook Page, Twitter handle and Instagram accounts. Follow me and join my journey into the Heritage, Culture, Beachlife and Wildlife of Ramsgate and learn how we can work together to regenerate the town.

Little steps…

What’s it all about then?

My angle is positive. My aim is to voice the communities ideas for their port and beaches. I plan to do this by creating a “Wish List” of ways we believe the areas can be regenerated and by working with the community group Ramsgate Maritime Village. They can survey your wishes and present them to Thanet District Council (TDC), with the hope of some well spent money and change! We can dream on, can we not?!?

Am I Mad?

Yes, probably… and no doubt disillusioned… but I’d like to see some positive changes in the Town I love, not just for me, but for my children (and yours). Imagine them growing up in our town learning more about the sea (Fishing, Sailing, Water-sports, the Aquatic/Wildlife Environments), and how to protect it and our beaches? Imagine them having novel, ‘themed’ beach play-parks to hang out in? Sailing schools? Enough (affordable) beach huts for everyone to enjoy, more cycle paths and fitness areas? Imagine fishing and local produce markets? Beach Art/Sculptures? And so much more…

Celebrating what we have:

As we know, Ramsgate is pretty special (pretty & special). Look at our beautiful Royal Harbour (the ONLY 1 in the UK!) and the surrounding architecture — it’s a rich mix of mostly Regency, Georgian and Victorian splendour and attracts thousands of visitors year after year. I intend to focus on the GOOD (and groovy) aspects of our seafront and you can help by sharing your photos and experiences with me via Facebook and Twitter.

Every day I’m amazed by the awesome photographs taken in Ramsgate — we have some very talented professional and amateur photographers here, as well as many inspired artists — is it any wonder when you look at that “Turner Sky”?

Image: Brian Whitehead (Jan 2017)

Our many cafes, bars, pubs and restaurants often get rave reviews; the owners all inject their talents and personalities which keeps the many coming back for more and cater for all tastes. This really helps to shape who we are as a town and although it’s not always dreamy, we certainly know how to have a good old “knees-up”!

Not forgetting the growing number of unique shops established or popping up, where the proprietors welcome and make friends with you and offer numerous ‘not-on-the-highstreet’ novel items. It’s a refreshing change from the numerous pound-shops and betting shops, but if that’s your bag, at least Ramsgate caters for all demographics and that’s hugely important too, (obvs ;-)

Wanna dream on with me?

You can! Let me know YOUR wishes. Your DREAMS for Ramsgate’s Port and Beaches. Complete this simple online survey to express your views and they will collate the information and pass your wishes onto the people who hold the purse strings (and hopefully attract some more fat cats in the process). Who knows? We could make a few WISHES come true! Our voice is YOUR voice, and that makes for a very loud voice indeed. Don’t ya think?!

Ramsgate Royal Harbour and the arches



Mamma Burch

Mother to 4 boys (including twins), and perinatal mental health therapist. Lover of walking in nature, the sea and butterflies.