Where To Find Ruby Noir

In a land without drama…

Ruby Noir 😈
4 min readJul 31, 2023
Photo Source: iStock

Due to the neverending drama that I do not want to deal with on top of some serious negativity thrown my way for no reason — I quickly threw up a post this morning that I will no longer be in The Challenged publication.

And neither will my prompts.

The new editor has been informed to remove any mention of me. I want nothing to do with it.

I had to get to work this morning so I was in a hurry but I worked from home today and was able to check in and see things on breaks. And the wonderful Adrian CDTPPW has kindly offered his publication Read or Die! to be the new home for my prompts. He even made me an editor so that I could continue scheduling ahead as I have been.

Thank you seems so small… but it’s what I have. Thank you, Adrian.

There are good, kind people in this world that help boost people up instead of constantly trying to knock them down. Remember that.

So that’s where my prompts will be as well as my quizzes and answer keys. I will not be of much help as an editor during the day Monday through Friday as I have no access at work. The service there is spotty at best. But once I start working from home fully in a few weeks then I will be able to help out more with getting stuff published.



Ruby Noir 😈

14 X’s Top Writer. Vet tech and mom of 6 rescue animals. I speak for those who have no voice.