ORGANICOO: Investing In The Future Of Our Beautiful Planet For Our Children

Lovette Grace
7 min readSep 26, 2018



Hi peeps, as we all know that the internet is an enormous base of information where we can do anything. Internet has connected the entire world And at the Same time the Cryptocurrency world is increasing day by day and so many people businesses and companies have improved by investing in an crypto investors it is required of you to know the current and genuine project. And that is the reason I will be expantiating on this great project ORGANICOO which aim is to play a major role in the worldwide production of food using sustainable and environmentally friendly methods and in the production of renewable energy and renewable fuel. Believe me I have done a lot of research on this project and I give it a thumbs up.


Organicco is a task to create green innovation arrangements that use natural waste to deliver assistant items for horticulture, and build up an inner exchanging stage devoted to the market for the item. in this field.

Agricultural farming from the early long periods of the human progress time, to the reproducing time frame, taming, or most as of late, the use of innovative advances to agribusiness, has helped us to create Giant items permit more prominent authority over sustenance. despite the fact that Agriculture, contributes an unassuming add up to the world economy, is vital industry since individuals can not get apparatus or gold for nourishment. The Green Revolution in India or the Israeli desert natural product is an incredible support, yet there are as yet anguishing issues in farming:

• Chemical mishandle in horticulture prompts harm to the dirt and living beings;

• Soil disintegration is at a disturbing level, on the off chance that it proceeds with, at that point humanity will lose all rich soil richness;

• Organic squander that isn’t used, hurtful to the earth;

• Agricultural arrangements are not yet intensive and careful;

• Traditional installment strategies in rural markets are moderate, costly and unsafe.


Keeping in mind the end goal to genuinely alter the interchanges business, Organic displays the most doable arrangements that OTL has been utilizing and working together for a long time in this market:

• Continuing examination and updating of selective arrangements: ecoHERO — natural manure creation, ecoDRYER — creature feed generation and ecoREDUCER — sustainable power source and sustainable power source creation want.

• Production of the hardware having a place with the previously mentioned frameworks, transportation support, establishment and upkeep at the accomplice organizations, and the buy and settlement of yields for the completed item;

• Expand connects to organizations, organizations and even governments around the globe to present Organicco advancements and arrangements;

• Provide budgetary help to various organizations with the goal that they have the chance to get to Organicco administrations, as a byproduct of which Organicco will be qualified for share benefits aside from their incomes;

• Issuing an ORC token as an offer, enabling the proprietor to share the benefit from the natural enthusiasm of Organicco;

• Build easiPayer, an inner installment stage for the worldwide horticultural market requiring little to no effort, straightforward activity utilizing blockchain innovation.

The primary focus of Organicco is to create these characteristic capitals utilizing the protected innovations to produce a persistent trade stream which out turn will be utilized to reimburse the capital venture with intrigue.

The major objective of Organicco is to assume a noteworthy job in the overall generation of nourishment utilizing practical and naturally benevolent strategies and in the creation of sustainable power source and inexhaustible fuel.

Organicoo expects to raise assets through an underlying coin offering (ICO) of Organicco tokens which will be utilized in the advancement of a few ventures in the green and agri-tech enterprises in the United Kingdom (UK), Canada and South East Asia.

These assets would be loaned to the related organizations to build up these tasks by utilizing the green innovation arrangements called ecoHERO and ecoDRYER, which create natural manure and creature feed from undesirable business natural materials. The group would likewise be creating sustainable power source and inexhaustible fills, from undesirable natural materials.

The assets will likewise be utilized to make a minimal effort and quick global installment stage in view of blockchain innovation, called easiPayer.


The easiPAYER stage is a worldwide exchanging stage that the group (Organicco) wouldl make for making cross limit business installments all the more quicker and less demanding.

The easiPayer stage is intended to address the confinements of current universal business installment choices. easiPayer can be utilized for different kinds of exchanges, regardless of whether nearby or global. It will produce income by charging a little expense for each exchange movement and changing over the organicco tokens to fiat money.

By creating green tech extends, the group would make a shut circle economy from regular capitals. These common capitals will restore the venture normally in a couple of years time, while each undertaking will keep on delivering income for over 20 years!

The arrangement is to utilize Organicco to produce benefit and advance the easiPayer framework into a practical and driving option in contrast to ordinary methods of money related exchanges setting up Organicco as a herald in the realm of electronic or computerized monetary forms.

Organicco tokens is anticipating to be coasted on the crypto trades no later than first quarter of 2019.

The aggregate number of Organicco token supply is settled at 120,000,000.

Organicco means to make benefits to create noteworthy returns for every one of the financial specialists and to empower the group to put resources into creating advancements worked around thoughts of maintainability, cost-viability, and moderation.

Simply envision a future where Organicco, through its members turns into a main pioneer in changing over undesirable organics into valuable items. The Organicco stage plans to create costeffective answers for diminish expenses to our customers, yet more imperatively, to make a supportable supply of compost to counteract soil disintegration and to add to a nonstop generation of normal nourishment items and common capitals.


Token name: Organicco Token.

Ticker: ORC.

Type: ERC-223(Ethereum Blockchain).

Total supply: 120 000 000 ORC.

Softcap: £3 500 000 GBP.

Hardcap: £35 000 000 GBP.

Token Sale: 10.04 — oo.

Accepted purchase: GBP, BTC, ETH.

Price:1 ORC — £0.40–0.50 GBP.

Country: UK


Partner Sale 16%.

Crowd-sale 60%.

Referral program 4%.

Founding team 20%


Green-tech project development 42.2%.

Manufacturing improvements 7%.

Marketing / PR 0.8%.

Capital guarantee 10.9%.

R&D fuel, new product launch 7%.

easiPayer assets backing 28.2%.

Salaries, expenses, insurance, legal 3.8%


An Organicco token is a security token providing investors and holders a stake in the profit made from future activities of the Company. Unlike other security tokens, Organicco provides full legal backing across carious Countries making it amongst the safest tokenised ventures to invest in.


Jan 2017:OTL was formed after 10 years of R&D.Pilot Project order from MRC Vaudreuil-Solanges, Montreal, Canada..

Feb 2017:Recruitment..

Mar 2017:Order received for 6,000TPA ecoDRYER from Boxford Farm..

Apr 2017:Certificate acceptance signed for mini ecoDRYER installation in Kent, UK..

May 2017:Moved to fabrication workshop near Heathrow airport for making our own products..

Jul 2017:Client started a technical due diligence for setting up 100tonnes per day fertiliser plant in UK from chicken muck..

Aug 2017:OLT website launched..

Sep 2017:Vaudreuil-Solanges, Montreal, Canada pilot project was installed.Client technical due diligent design freeze..

Dec 2017:6,000tpa ecoDRYER unit delivered to Boxford Farm.

Looking to raise funds and exploring ICO..

Feb 2018:Organicco Ltd was set up for managing funds raised from ICO..

Mar 2018:ERC223 Smart contract was created and tokens allocated as per information on white paper. 6,000tpa ecoDRYER was installed and application made for renewable heat incentives(government pays for every kW thermal energy we use)..

Apr 2018:Pre-ICO launch..

May 2018:Pilot project for chicken muck to fertiliser installation.ecoHERO pilot project delivery..

Jun 2018:PRE-ICO ends, ICO phase 1 begins.ecoHERO pilot project installation..

Jul 2018:Recruitment for adding more skills to the team. ecoHERO plant contract signing for Kent.ICO Phase 1 ends and ICO Phase 2 starts and will run until all tokens are sold..

Sep 2018:Signing of 100t/day fertiliser plant from chicken muck.Methanol plant feasibility study starts.Form easiPayer team..

Dec 2018:Delivery of major components for 100t/day fertiliser.

Q2 2019:Launching easiPayer for selected suppliers and clients for testing the platform and resolving initial problems..

Q3 2019:Producing small quantity biomass fuels from the mixed waste material using ecoREDUCER..

Q4 2019:Launching an integrated anaerobic-aerobic digester (IAAD) solutions to produce both electrical energy and low-grade fertiliser from unwanted organic materials..

Q1 2020:Launching a methanol (road fuel) and ethanol (aviation fuel) plants, focusing in emerging market such as Africa, India and South America..

Q2 2020:Launching easiPayer for wider usage..

2021:Increasing the production of fertiliser, biomass, methanol and ethanol fuels by delivering more projects..

2022:Setting up systems for farmers worldwide to collaborate on producing food primarily using our organic fertiliser and helping to recover lands that are destroyed due to soil erosion..

2023:Setting up a cooperative food chain distribution network of farmers worldwide, finally creating a loop economy that will close the food production life cycle and enrich many farmers around the world for sustainable food production.

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Author; thegracey

BTT Profile URL:;u=2073243

