Advantages And Disadvantages Of Authoritative Parenting Style

Loving Parents
4 min readMar 18, 2020


It is difficult to maintain a balance between being strict and lenient as parents. Different parents therefore follow different parenting styles. One of the most common parenting styles that usually parents resort to is authoritative parenting. Authoritative parents are known to strike that much needed perfect balance between the aforementioned two aspects. Such parents are known to be very focused on the rules and using these to empower their kids helping them make the right choices. On the one hand this approach is said to have a plethora of benefits but on the other there are multifarious drawbacks also associated with this approach.

Perks of Authoritative Parenting

There are a plenty of advantages that the approach of Authoritative Parenting offers. The children of such parents are known to be more successfully, more resilient, more confident, more respectful, and happier as compared to their counterparts.

1. Accountability among children increase

Kids of such parents are fed with the notion that they are responsible for making right decisions and whatever they decide for themselves they ought to take the responsibility of the consequences too. Thus, such children are comparatively more accountable which implies that they learn over time to make good decisions and do not easily give up to the demands of peer pressure.

2. Respectful towards others

Authoritative Parents usually offer their children a certain degree of freedom in different aspects. This freedom is a notion that they trust the actions of their child and thus respect his privacy. Children acknowledge this gesture of their parents and in return tend to be more respectful not only towards their parents but with the others in the society too. They tend to mix up well in the society. Also, they are more resilient and do not give up to the temptations easily like their counterparts.

Pitfalls of Authoritative Parenting

Authoritative Parenting being one of the most preferred parenting skills, there are not usually many negative aspects associated with the same. However, deeply analysing there are always two sides of a coin so where there are a plenty of advantages of this type of parenting there are a handful of shortcomings too. These shortcomings that you need to know are mentioned below:

1. Rebellion comes as a setback

Children as their natural course of action, tends to be rebellious in the tender teenage which surely comes as a setback for parents who follow this approach of parenting as they have high expectations from their kids. Parents at this phase usually need to be very patient with their kids. Though children behave contrary to what you expect from them but you need to understand that this is a phase of life and there is no fault with your parenting. You are undoubtedly on the right track though you need to pay attention towards your child and his behaviour.

2. Hit and trial

Authoritative parenting is claimed to be difficult as well as lengthy as it needs a delicate balance to be attained between discipline as well as freedom. There is a scope of high trial as well as error prior to parents being able to known the best working strategies in this approach.

Overall, these are the pros and cons of Authoritative Parenting that you need to be aware about. The fact that most of the parents resort to this type of parenting is a proof that the advantages of Authoritative Parenting surely hold more water than the disadvantages of Authoritative Parenting. It also depends on the way parents use this approach whether it is successful or not in its application.

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Loving Parents

This is for all parents who love their kids dearly and also to help with things they might need help.