Color Psychology in UI Design: How to choose the right palette.

Lovleen Thapar
3 min readAug 17, 2023


Color Psychology in UI Design: How to choose the right palette.

In the world of User Interface (UI) design, colors play a pivotal role in creating visually appealing and user-friendly experiences. Colors can evoke emotions, influence behavior, build trust, and enhance user engagement. This is where color psychology comes into play. Understanding how different colors impact human perception and emotions can significantly aid in selecting the right color palette for your UI design. In this blog, we will understand color psychology and explore how to choose the perfect color palette for your UI design, with examples.

The Power of Color Psychology

The Power of Color Psychology

Color psychology is the study of how colors can affect human emotions, attitudes, and behaviors. It is a vital component of UI design as it helps designers create interfaces that resonate with users on a subconscious level. Different colors are associated with varying emotions and can convey specific messages. Here’s a glimpse of the emotional responses some colors can evoke:

Red: Often associated with passion, energy, and urgency. It can grab attention and stimulate action.
Majorly used in Medical related businesses such as hospitals, also a lot of gaming apps/Dating apps such as Tinder use the Red color, to escalate the feeling of passion and energy among users.

Blue: Conveys a sense of trust, calmness, and professionalism. Lighter shades can evoke serenity, while darker ones may exude sophistication.
An example is Banking apps, such as HDFC, SBI, etc are using this color palette in order to build trust among the customers.

Green: Symbolizes growth, harmony, and freshness. It’s often used in environmental and health-related contexts.
An example is Spotify, they want to focus on building & growing a huge community on their app divided by different podcasts or playlists.
or Tropicana symbolizes that their product is fresh from the farm.

Black: Signifies sophistication, formality, and mystery. It’s commonly used for sleek and modern designs. Recently we have seen a lot of designers creating dark theme websites or apps, which are immensely loved by the users as well because color contrast plays a major role when it comes to user experience, you must be wondering how to let me tell you how-
High contrast (White text on black background) makes it easier to see for people with low vision, causing less eye strain.

Tips for using Dark Theme

Tips for using Dark Theme

We all love the dark theme UI for apps and websites as I mentioned before but, According to surveys a lot of adults have experienced eye strain from working on computer.
The designer may help in this problem statement by paying attention to the shade of black they use.
High color contrast is useful for readability but, when reading for an extended time period, pure black text on a white background can strain the user's eyes.
So what can we do as UI designers?
I would suggest using the following colors for a better experience:
#252525, #1B1C1E, #1F1F1F, #2B2B2B

In the realm of UI design, color psychology is a potent tool that can elevate your design from visually pleasing to emotionally compelling. By understanding the emotional responses and associations tied to different colors, you can create interfaces that resonate deeply with your users. Remember, the right color palette goes beyond aesthetics; it’s a strategic choice that can influence user behavior, brand perception, and overall user satisfaction. So, the next time you embark on a UI design journey, consider the psychology of color and wield its power to create impactful user experiences.

