Best SEO Strategies for 2016

3 min readJun 26, 2016

SEO strategy is a vital part of today’s marketing and few brands, if any, would dare to attempt online success without it. Yet SEO is an ever-changing and evolving process, so smart businesses would be wise to stay atop of the latest developments and methods.

After all, one of the biggest benefits to SEO is that it drives the intended audience to your website, thanks to search queries and keyword optimisation. This offers a higher conversion rate than billboards, printed adverts and other mediums that blindly market themselves outwards. Now, around half way into the year, is a great opportunity for companies to look at their existing strategies and consider what the most important SEO tactics methods for 2016 are.

Don’t Underestimate Content

Since the early days of SEO, content has always been king. It is arguably more important now than it ever has been. Search engine rankings no longer just care about having the right keywords. Smarter algorithms are checking to see if the content you are offering — whether its internal or external to your actual website — is useful to a user’s given search query. After all, this is the point of a search engine, so companies should be working with this, not against it.

Make this year the year you establish yourself as an expert. It’s better to have a smaller range of content if its more informative. Create detailed guides, thought-provoking articles and content people actually want to read. It’s better to have 10 of these than 100 irrelevant blog posts with back-links strewn throughout. Google only rewards the best.

Mobile Browsing And The IoT

In the future, its expected that the Internet of Things (IoT) will become a big deal but, right now, mobile browsing simply can’t be ignored. People have phones, tablets and other portable devices now, so your website needs to be optimised for these displays. In fact, mobile searches will actively seek mobile-friendly destinations. This is something leading experts at lowcostseo have already capitalised on, ensuring content is always optimised for desktop and mobile platforms.

Incorporate Social Media

Social Media has always been an important tool for SEO, but 2016 has seen some huge efforts to integrate this directly with SEO results. Platforms such as Twitter and Facebook represent a great way to generate natural links, as well as converse directly with your existing customers and people who have yet to click through. Befriend them on Twitter and eventually the links will get clicked.

Similarly, social media can actively shape your SEO. Any expert SEO company will tell you that talking to your customers is a great research opportunity. Yet, it’s also possible that future search queries will utilise what is currently trending to refine their results. Why is this important? It means your website needs to be up to date and on top of its game.

Ultimately, there is no one right answer to SEO. The best practice is to utilise all of these, finding the right balance that works for you. Audiences react differently, so your SEO should be tailored to reflect this.




Lowcostseo is one of the fastest growing digital marketing agencies in Europe, specializing in SEO, SMO & PPC.