#MetaMoments : Living In The Now

Low Sleazy
4 min readJul 30, 2021



With these #MetaMoments, I want

I want to talk to you about trauma without making trauma porn. We’ve all had enough pain for a lifetime.

I want you to know that I understand being broken, feeling incomplete. I know what loss is, what grief is. I know you want to lay down and stay there. It’s ok you can rest. But you have to get up and you will.

But what happens then

These burdens of pain, are crushing our spirits beneath them but we will carry them with us until we set them down.

This is me setting down my burden.

As I write this it has now been exactly 21 years since my little brother Random took himself from us at the age of 21.

July 28, 2000, a Thursday, I hate Thursdays.

I hate the summertime.

His birthday is May 22, every year since he passed I’ve been a wreck, emotionally, mentally, and socially. From his birthday to the day of his death, like clockwork, my life goes to shit.

I have had enough.

I refuse to carry this burden another year.

I refuse to miss this opportunity and fumble the damn bag.

The world is changing and we must guide that change. We have to pick ourselves up because no one is coming to save us. There’s no customer service on the blockchain just like there isn’t one IRL.

I’m done letting events dictate to me the energy that I put out into the world.

I choose how I feel.

I decide how I treat others.

I know that some people just need an ear that’s listening and cares about what happens, but I’ve also learned that self-care is paramount and what I’ve been able to do here with you has changed my life and I think it can change yours I’m not an expert or a guru I’m just a dude that’s real as shit and won’t sugar coat a damn thing or lie to you to protect your feelings.

So what’s a #MetaMoment and why should you buy one?


First of all, I want you to bask in the joyful exuberance of an artist who creates for the sake of creation. I have a form of Synesthesia that enables me to taste colors so these pieces I’ve collected here can almost be considered recipes or flavor profiles. A collection of moments where I’ve tried to capture the flavor of life that I was tasting at the moment. The majority of them were done as I sat in Clubhouse for countless hours learning about NFT’s. Most of these #MetaMoments mark milestones in my NFT journey from the days of falling asleep in a room and waking up to it still going on to that time the Goat wit the CryptoPunk modded me in his Token AF room (hell of an honor btw) but that’s not the reason you should buy one. No, you should buy one because I am you and this is your project, this is becoming a collective. This money will be funneled back into the community. It will be used to commission work, pay artists, collect art, fund projects, and fulfill dreams.

But what do you the buyer of these NFT’s get? Well, this first installment of #MetaMoments consists of 9 editions of 9 priced at 0.09 ETH, 6 editions of 6 priced at 0.3 ETH, 3 editions of 3 priced at 0.6 ETH, and 3 one of ones available for 3 ETH each. They all come with varying Moments of my time because see that’s the only thing I truly value and the only thing I feel comfortable selling you.


At the 0.09 price point, you receive access to my private discord and telegram channel. Airdrops and a year-long subscription to the members-only area of my sleazy ass website

At the 0.3 price point, a physical acrylic painting will be produced for the buyer upon request and transfer of the NFT back to it’s genesis wallet. Worldwide shipping paid by buyer.

Each NFT at the 0.6 price point, comes with one 1 hour Zoom call a month for one year.

And finally we have the three 1 of 1’s. The purchase of these NFT’s will sign me up for your project for 90 days. I’m all in just point me and shoot.

In other words, I’m the NFT Consultant you need. And probably the only one you can afford.





Low Sleazy

MC, Producer, Painter, Philosopher, Restaurateur, Serial Entrepreneur, NFT Consultant, Blockchain Evangelist