Pay no attention to this post!

Lester Reyes
3 min readOct 22, 2018


Capturing attention on social media means being recognized. Having the end user or target audience stop scrolling past your post or video and looking at the content. According to Daugherty and Hoffman (2014) the emergence of social media has created a two-way many-to-many communication system. Capturing attention means you connect to consumers in an engaging relatable manner. You can grab someone’s attention on social media by providing engaging content. Your content can consist of pictures, videos, or engaging and thought-provoking stories. Making your content relatable to the end user will capture attention. If you make your content relatable, you have a high probably of having your content shared to other users on the social media platform.

It is important to capture an audience’s attention on social media because people have such a short attention span. If you capture the audience’s attention you have a good chance of meeting your end goal for producing the content. If your end goal is to monetize your site, sell a product or service, if you have engaging content your chances of making “sales” via social media are very high.

The challenges of grabbing audience attention via social media are audience attention span, digital clutter, user of time. Consumer attention span is about 8 seconds. If they aren’t engaged within the 8 seconds they will move on. Also, digital clutter AKA information overload. If you are looking for something specific on a social media platform, more than likely hundreds, or even thousands of articles, posts, etc. will pop up for the same thing. Also, pop-up ads, banners, etc. clutter your social media sites causing user to keep scrolling. Use of time especially on a mobile device platform, most users will close a web page within 8–1o seconds if their attention is not grabbed.

Three strategies to gaining user attention could be: offer a reward. Humans are conditioned to accomplish goals and expect something in return for their effort. If you offer something that the end user finds valuable, they will more than likely stay on your page. You can also build a good reputation. If you have a good reputation within the social media platforms, your audience will already have an idea of what to expect on your site and will have placed a value on your content already. The third strategy is to acknowledge your audience. For example, when influences go “Live” on Facebook, you usually see them say hello to their audience, acknowledge them by name. It gives the user validation for being engaged in your content.

Securing engagement on social media means having the information going back and forth. You cannot just publish posts on social media and the audience not having any type of feedback for you or them not feeling like they are part of the process. Three strategies to maintaining engagement are: social listening. Besides posting your own content you should spend some time browsing other people’s social media content. Engaging in their discussion post, etc. You need to post frequently. Do not only post once a week or once a month. Providing continuous content will keep your audience wanting more from you. You should also get personal with your audience. Get to know them, build a relationship and be a source of information to them.


Daugherty, T., & Hoffman, E. (2014). eWOM and the importance of capturing consumer attention within social media. Journal of Marketing Communications, 20(1/2), 82–102.

