Support Your Creativity, Don’t Ask it to Support You

We kill the joy of creativity by expecting it to bring us an income.

Lucy Fuggle
3 min readMay 3, 2020

“I was committed to living a creative life not in order to save the world, not as an act of protest, not to become famous, not to gain entrance to the canon, not to challenge the system, not to show the bastards, not to prove to my family that I was worthy, not as a form of deep therapeutic emotional catharsis . . . but simply because I liked it.”

— Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert

“Measure your worth by your dedication to your path, not by your successes or failures,” writes Elizabeth Gilbert in Big Magic, her exploration of the wonders of dedicating ourselves to a creative life.

As Gilbert muses, it’s the dedication to your path that really matters — not the results that come from it. It’s the process of showing up, every day if we can, and committing ourselves to the quiet work that makes us feel like the most vibrant versions of ourselves.

