Who AM I?

Lucky Sharma
1 min readNov 1, 2023


Lucky is a Senior Editor at TheAndroidPortal.com, a leading publication providing news, reviews, and analysis about the Android ecosystem. With over 10 years of experience in mobile technology, Lucky spearheads The Android Portal’s editorial strategy and manages the content team.

Prior to joining The Android Portal, Lucky honed his technical expertise by working at several top technology companies leading the development of innovative mobile apps. He has launched successful Android apps that have been downloaded millions of times and earned awards for design.

Lucky holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from MIT and a Master’s degree in Mobile Application Development from Stanford University. He is passionate about staying on top of the latest advancements and trends in Android and mobile technology.

As a Senior Editor, Lucky produces insightful reports, how-to guides, and commentaries that help readers understand the Android landscape. He also attends major industry events to connect with developers, manufacturers, and influencers in the space.

With his technical knowledge and journalism skills, Lucky provides authoritative, trustworthy information to help users get the most out of their Android devices.

You can follow me on Linkedin & Twitter from here.



Lucky Sharma

Lucky is a Senior Editor at TheAndroidPortal.com, with over 10 years of experience in mobile technology and journalism.