Do Subliminal Messages Work?

L. Scott Harrell
10 min readJul 12, 2019


Hi, my name is Scott. I’m a former private investigator turned inventor of InnerJam. I want to tell you a story, and I am going to get very personal.

Like you, I face daily personal and professional challenges. I’m married and raising two beautiful daughters. Like everyone, I have some anxiety at times, but I have huge dreams, hopes, and goals, too.

I have a weight problem. I’ve always been a big guy, but through years of sitting in a car, eating junk food, and being too tired to exercise, I became REALLY over overweight.

I was three hundred and twenty-four pounds, with high blood pressure and at risk of becoming a diabetic.

I tried diets and exercise. I would lose twenty or thirty pounds, but I’d eventually lose motivation, and six months later, I had gained all of the weight back and maybe a few extra pounds.

On Easter a year ago, I found myself sitting in the bathroom, the room was spinning, and I was sweating profusely. I had a medical emergency, and, that morning, I was sure I was going to die.

I was only 45 years old and on the verge of leaving my wife and children behind.

I woke up in the hospital.

I lived through what the doctor’s called a hypertensive crisis; my blood pressure had spike so high that I was in extreme danger of having a massive stroke.

I was lucky.

Up until this moment, I had every reason to want to live. I cherish my wife and super-smart girls. I was retired from the sale of my very successful business and living the Caribbean dream on the island of Cozumel, Mexico.

But for some reason, even though I knew I was fat and sick, I continued to let my health deteriorate to the point where I found myself sitting on the toilet, in the dark, alone and mentally preparing to die.


I had three days in a hospital bed to think long and hard about that.

It turns out that every personal obstacle we struggle to overcome starts with our brain — more specifically, our belief system and how we talk to ourself both consciously and unconsciously.

Subconsciously, we’re programmed through all of our experiences to act in a certain way, and it’s virtually impossible to behave any differently.

So, how is it that I could be so successful in the business world but be such an utter failure when it came to my well-being?

I can build and sell businesses, manage people, and grind through challenges at work but couldn’t control something as simple as staying alive.

It was my unconscious belief system.

I got more pleasure from working and eating and laying by the pool and avoided the pain I had come to associate with diet and exercise.

But before I tell you how I turned my life around, let’s take a quick moment and go back to a turning point in my story.

A little over 24 years ago after I left the military, I was stuck and trying to figure out what I was going to do with my life. My father-in-law gave me a copy of an ultra-popular 30-day self-help program and suggested I give it a try. He told me that going through each step over 30 days was the best thing he’d ever done for his super-successful sales career and it might help me, too.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the purpose of self-help programs, they are a “how to” guide for being the best version of yourself. They only work if you make an effort and follow through with the program.

I set out to find my purpose and define the path that would lead me to my goals. It was a fantastic journey.

I was particularly interested in the subliminal message music cassettes that were included with the program. One of my closest friends in the military was in Special Operations and told me how they were encouraged to listen to music that was also embedded with subliminal affirmations. They also had other types of music that would help them relax and rest after an operation. They were told that through repetitive use, they could achieve a higher state of readiness, better focus, and improve the speed at which they could learn new information. There was no reason to doubt the reasoning or success-rates because achieving peak performance is of critical importance in everything they do and the US Government spends a lot of money making sure that these guys are the best of the best.

I continued to listen to the included subliminal message music tracks for months after I finished the initial 30-day program. I remember feeling such a strong sense of motivation and self-confidence that literally nothing could stop me from building one of the most vibrant and successful private detective agencies in the United States.

Not only did I build and sell one agency, but I did it twice!

As I was building my second investigation agency, I was also publishing the most read online magazine in my profession and had developed the most significant online continuing education platform for investigators across the country.

In short, I had reached the pinnacle of my profession. I am absolutely convinced that listening to subliminal affirmations was the catalyst that allowed me to operate on a very high level despite facing numerous challenges every day.

How did a self-help program do this?

First, I learned to organize my thoughts, define my goals, and then take specific action every day to get there. The subliminal messages in the provided music tracks reprogrammed my unconscious mind to overcome my limiting belief system.

The subliminal positive affirmations being fed directly to my subconscious mind turned self-doubt into unshakeable self-confidence.

I went out and conquered all that I set to accomplish, and at 39 years, I sold my second business and retired to a life of scuba diving and margaritas with my family in the Caribbean.

Let’s fast forward back to me laying in that hospital bed.

I knew what I needed to do…

It was time to take massive action and reprogram my unconscious mind once again.

I needed to change my internal belief system to recognize that there is more pain by not living a healthy life than the pleasure of doing nothing.

Subliminal affirmations changed my unconscious thoughts and actions in business, so positive affirmations would help me get my health in order, too.

I organized my thoughts and defined my goals. I developed a written plan of action and started listening to the two subliminal music tracks related to health and vibrancy in that self-help program written and recorded 25 years ago.

I lost almost 80 pounds and found a real passion for living my best life.

But after five months of losing weight and feeling great, I got sick again… Sick of listening to those two 35-minute subliminal message music tracks day after day through walk after walk.

Have you ever done something so many times that you couldn’t bear the thought of doing it just one more time?

Yep. Me, too.

I stopped listening to the subliminal music and moved on to the music I actually enjoy.

I did great for two more months, but I noticed a subtle shift in my attitude towards eating right and going outside for a walk along the water every day. Eventually, I stopped walking and started eating poorly again.

I stopped losing weight and found myself getting discouraged. The numbers on the scale began to creep up again. I put 20 pounds back on and am back to taking blood pressure medication.

Instinctively I knew it was because I fell short of reprogramming my brain. I was going back to my old unconscious habits because I stopped feeding my subconscious mind the affirmations it needed to hear about developing a new pattern of behavior. I hadn’t listened long enough to drive those messages home.

But I wasn’t going back to those music tracks from 25 years ago. I was fed up with that dull New-Age music that success coaches and self-help programs always use, so I did something about it.

I called up a software engineer friend of mine who helped me build my last online business. I asked him to make a music player for my phone that could play two audio tracks at the same time; one track would play the music I had, and the other would be a set of positive affirmations I had written and recorded that are specific to losing weight and following a Keto diet.

The trick, however, would be to subliminally hide the affirmations in “regular, everyday music.”

We needed a technical solution because merely turning the volume of the affirmations down to the point you can’t hear them over the music wasn’t the answer. That’s not how subliminal messaging works. If your ear cannot absorb the sound because it is too low, then it’s not reaching your unconscious mind either.

He thought about it and tried a few things and then turned to digital audio engineers he found online. Everyone he spoke to said that the problem was too complicated and couldn’t be done in a mobile app. Eventually, he gave up on my private project.

Dusting off my fedora (a corny private investigator cliché), I tracked down a Ph.D. working at Google who graduated from Stanford’s Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) who had the software engineering and audio signals processing expertise to get this done. There are very few people with his unique mix of education, experience, and know-how.

It was about this time I started calling this project Innerjam so that the developer and I could easily talk about the app.

About three weeks later, he sent me a working proof of concept. He did it! The app works the way I had intended!!!

I loaded up a few hours of my favorite music and two sets of affirmations and listen to it while I’m exercising, walking, riding my bike, doing the dishes or whenever I just need to drown out the shrieks of the TV programs my children are watching in the living room.

I have always been really connected to my music and, now, I can listen to practically anything I want, whenever I want, knowing that InnerJam is playing those affirmations somewhere in the background over and over again. The message is being received, and I am overcoming the most significant challenge in my life.

I like to listen to the affirmations a few times without the music so that I can hear them and to start thinking consciously about the messages of encouragement. I also know that when I turn the music on, that my subconscious mind will recognize the words and begin working on them, too.

I noticed the effects of listening to these positive affirmations right away. I started thinking about losing weight and feeling great. I’m not thinking about IF I’ll go for a walk or exercise but looking forward to WHEN I’ll go. I love following the Keto diet plan because it works for me, and I just function better when I’ve cut out all unnecessary carbohydrates and sugar in favor of fats and protein.

I am losing weight again, and something feels very different this time around. I’m excited about watching the pounds drop off. It doesn’t feel like a struggle anymore. I want to eat healthily and exercise because I am getting a sense of satisfaction and amusement every time I step on the scale.

Watching how InnerJam is working for me, my wife is really excited about this app now, as well. She asked me to put it on her phone and record a set of affirmations that will motivate her to get to her Zumba class every morning. That was four months ago, and she hasn’t missed a class since she started listening to the app.

It’s sort of weird; I can tell that she gets energetic just talking about Zumba. I wonder if that is a side-effect caused by InnerJam or her Zumba class?

The exact moment of inspiration for me came, though, when I shared InnerJam with my little sister, who I respect very much and is in her own right, an able and successful business professional.

I was a little shy about sharing my idea for InnerJam at first because I don’t exactly fit the mold most people think of when it comes to self-help through positive affirmations, but she embraced the concept and convinced me that this could be my defining moment.

That I could personally have an impact on other people, just like me and you, who have their own anxieties, challenges, and dreams. I am proof that InnerJam is working. Sure, I have more pounds to lose, but I’m growing stronger and leaner every day. I have hope now and an enthusiasm for the changes I am seeing and feeling.

My inner voice is so much more positive and so much forgiving, too.

Sharing InnerJam could mean that you, too, would have another powerful tool available in winning the fight over your own personal struggles and challenges.

So, here is the most critical question you need to ask yourself:

What could you accomplish if you were able to overcome your own limiting beliefs and reprogram your unconscious mind so that you automatically take actions toward your goal without even thinking about it?

Really. What if turning your life around is as simple as listening to just 9 or 10 of your favorite songs every day or every other day?

It’s “fire and forget” wellness and personal development on your phone.

InnerJam is a mobile app that plays subliminal messages along with the music you love most.

Right now, InnerJam is FREE.

There’s no catch, and you can stop listening to the app at any time.

Consciously, taking that small step every time you choose to listen to music is telling your unconscious mind that YOU are worth the effort. YOUR goals are important and, by God, your subconscious mind better get in line and make things start happening!

InnerJam uses patent-pending technology to weave the positive affirmations you need to hear most into the music you love.

Conquer your fears. Overcome obstacles. Achieve your dreams.

Hurry over to and download the app while it’s still free.

Other than downloading InnerJam, what else would you do today, if you knew for sure you couldn’t fail?

Get to it.



L. Scott Harrell

A fearless entrepreneur and serial startup founder. Following my passion to build something that will create opportunity for others.