Theories about red mercury confirming or denying its existence

Lsfderma Shop
2 min readDec 4, 2019


The blog presents various theories about red mercury, confirming or denying its existence.

The five most important theories are:

— Red mercury is a derivative of cinnabar, found in nature, mercury sulfide. The red pigment that is deduced from cinnabar is called vermillion.

— According to another theory, it is a compound of crystallized mercury iodide that turns yellow at very high temperatures.

— It is a mixture of mercury, formed in the Soviet Union. A “red” label would be a legacy of the Cold War.

— It is a mixture of ballotechnical mercury that only sometimes turns red. Ballotechnics are substances that react very vigorously when they are unexpectedly compressed under high pressure. These include mercury antimony oxide, which according to some descriptions is a reddish fluid created in Russian nuclear reactors. According to this theory, it is so explosive that no fissionable uranium material is needed for an atomic explosion.

— According to another theory, this is the military name for the new nuclear material, probably made in Russia.

Interestingly, Dr. Helmenstine mentions prices reaching over $ 300,000 per kilo of red mercury on the black market

No bigger than a baseball

In the early 1990s, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, two articles were published whose authors claimed that an unadulterated melting device was invented. It apparently weighed about 4.5 kilograms and was not larger than a baseball.

If such a device really existed and was capable of causing a nuclear explosion, it would pose a huge threat to the world — especially to the West. However, no such bomb was found and no one — not even Usama Ibn Ladin hiding in Afghanistan or Pakistan — even threatened to use it.

So is red mercury just a hoax? No, because we at Hybrid Laboratory carry the finest quality of red liquid mercury that is available at a very affordable price that requires no second consideration. If you need to buy red liquid mercury online then Hybrid Laboratory is the right choice for you. Visit our website now to get a complete pull of information.

