LLM News and Articles:Saturday, 2024–05–11

Lucian Lu
6 min readMay 11, 2024

Saturday, 2024–05–11

Made by Ideogram

15:59Apple Closes in on Deal with OpenAI to Put ChatGPT on iPhone

15:49GraphRag and more

15:14Red Teaming of LLM Application using Giskard

14:5375Hard Generative AI & LLM Challenge -Day 22 to 28

14:50Finetuning an LLM-Based Spam Classifier with LoRA from Scratch

14:50Words in Space: An Astronaut’s Guide to Embeddings in Language Models

14:16Unlocking the potential of LLMs: Fine-tuning

13:48Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) Evolution

13:27The Night I Asked ChatGPT How to Build a Bomb

13:14Is AI Really Intelligent? The Generative AI Paradox

12:54ZeRO: Breaking Down the Revolutionary Approach to Optimizing Deep Learning Models

12:38How DDP Helps Train LLM

12:28LLMs in Action: Text Compression and Decompression Techniques

11:58Run Ollama Llama3 LLM on Google Colab using colab-xterm

10:43Hanooman: A Generative AI and Large Language Model Chatbot Inspired From Lord Hanuman

10:40Building Your Own Gemini Pro Chatbot with Python

09:13ChatGPT FAQ: Everything you need to know in 16 questions.

08:59BERT — Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers

08:53Introduction to LLMs: An Overview of Prompts

08:53Show HN: Building a Jarvis-Like AI Program with ZeroLM and ChatGPT

07:38Demystifying the Hype: A Deep Dive into Large Language Models

07:17How Field AI plans to take AI to next level using Field Foundation Models(FFM)

07:02AI Basics: Lesson 06

06:34Unlocking the Power of Language Models through Fine-Tuning and Efficient Transfer Learning

06:30Unveiling Microsoft’s MAI-1: A New AI-Language Challenger

06:00This AI Paper by Microsoft and Tsinghua University Introduces YOCO: A Decoder-Decoder Architectures for Language Models

05:30LangChain: Agents

04:41Optimizing Latency: Strategies for Efficient LLM Inference in Task Execution

04:03Apple finalizing deal with OpenAI to bring ChatGPT features to iOS 18

03:49Show HN: MinimalChat — A Simple and Customizable LLM Chat Application

03:42Tech giants are changing their views on AI NSFW content | Noah Z. NsfwGPT.ai

02:59A Survey Report on New Strategies to Mitigate Hallucination in Multimodal Large Language Models

01:55Measuring the Cultural Adaptability of Large Language Models

01:17The Evolution and Future of Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM): Transforming Cloud Security

00:50Do Enormous LLM Context Windows Spell the End of RAG?

ChatGPT, OpenAI, iOS, Apple, Large Language Models (LLMs), fine-tuning, multimodal LLMs, cultural adaptability, cloud security, inference

Five Key Points:

  1. Apple is close to reaching a deal with OpenAI to integrate ChatGPT features into iOS 18, expected to bring powerful conversational and generative AI capabilities to iPhones.
  2. Researchers continue exploring new techniques and applications for large language models, including fine-tuning, multimodal processing, improving cultural adaptability, etc. to enhance LLM performance and usability.
  3. Cloud security is a hot topic, with the evolution of Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) helping transform and strengthen cloud security.
  4. Emerging technologies like the YOCO decoder-decoder architecture and enormous context windows may challenge retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) models.
  5. Projects on red teaming LLM applications, text compression/decompression techniques, latency optimization, etc. are exploring different use cases and deployment strategies for LLMs.



Lucian Lu

Passionate AI enthusiast exploring the boundless potential of LLMs. Join me as I dive into cutting-edge research, Let's unlock the future together!