Photo Courtesy of Georgie Stammer (

I believe in peace

Lisa Stammer


The world is a beautiful place. Let me say that again: The world is a BEAUTIFUL place. I really do believe this. I believe that there is far more good, far more love, and far more decency in this world than there is evil, hate, or incivility. Unfortunately, sometimes things in this world seem pretty awful.

At these times, I can feel motionless and sad.

I can be on a roll with my writing. The words will be flowing. I sit down and write, walk away for a while, and then sit down again to write some more. The words come pouring out of me. And then I start listening to the news, and following social media, and thinking.

Thinking. That seems to be the thing that gets me into trouble. First I think and then I stew. It stops me in my tracks and makes it difficult for me to focus on my writing or my life or anything fun, really. In the whole scheme of this world — especially in this country — right now, my life seems so small and my worries seem so petty.

We have such huge problems surrounding us right now — here and across the world. I find it troubling and really difficult to take everything in. I would rather hide and wish it all away. So I watch Netflix, I read a book, I look at Facebook, and I think about writing. Sometimes it’s difficult to take the necessary steps forward.

My husband tells me I need to turn off the news and stay away from social media. I agree, but it’s tough. I think it’s important to know what’s going on in the world — for better or worse — but just knowing the situation doesn’t do anything to help the situation. And neither does complaining.

So I turn to my two main defaults:

First, I’m going to choose LOVE. I’m going to keep LOVE in my heart (which isn’t always easy) and I’m going to spread LOVE across my life and across social media. This means that I will not post anything negative and I will try — really try — not to say mean things about other people. I am going to focus on positivity.

Next, I am going to practice GRATITUDE because a grateful heart is a peaceful heart. I found a wonderful podcast the other day called “The Gratitude Podcast.” The creator and moderator (Georgian Benta), has made it his mission and goal to “inspire 100,000 people to live grateful lives.” I think we could all use a little gratitude about now.

The only person I really can change is me. But if one stone can make a ripple, imagine what 100,000 (or more!) stones can do. I KNOW we can drowned hate through LOVE and GRATITUDE if we work together. We’ve done it before.


“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love. For love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” — Nelson Mandela

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.




Lisa Stammer

Writer. Editor. Mom. Wife. Wisher. Dreamer. Grateful for all I have received.