A Humble Thank You

Linden Tibbets
3 min readNov 4, 2016

Dear IFTTT fans and Partners,

I couldn’t be more excited about what IFTTT introduced this week. Applets and our Partner Platform represent the most important updates our company has launched so far. Get all of the details here!

It’s rare, and risky, for a company at our stage to make a change as dramatic as this one. We know long term that this change is the right one for our users, our partners and our business. Thank you to all of the passionate and positive people that have helped us trouble shoot, have suggested UX changes, and in general have helped us pull off such a big update. We love the feedback and we are following up quickly with tweaks big and small. Keep it coming!

Back in 2010, we couldn’t have anticipated the dramatic adoption of the Internet of Things or the next big wave of artificially intelligent assistants. Our opportunity to power the access these new ecosystems need is massive and growing every day.

Over the years, we’ve come to realize that the only real constant in the world of technology is change. Every company is now a technology company, and over time, every technology company will become a service. As consumers, we make choices every day about which services deserve our attention and dollars. We surround ourselves with technology services from a growing and diverse range of companies. These services know more about us: our likes, who our friends are, and what we do in our spare time. Services can also do more for us: drive us to the airport, deliver our favorite meal and lock our front door. Our lives are enabled, recorded and altered for better and for worse by these technology services.

At IFTTT, we believe that everyone deserves the confidence to control their world through these changes. As each new technology service warps and bends the very definition of our reality, people should feel confident that they understand those changes and have a say in how each service works and just as importantly how they work together.

IFTTT Applets enable entirely new experiences made possible when your services work together in a way you can trust. We believe all service integrations — big or small — will eventually be possible through an Applet. As you invite any new service into your life, IFTTT aims to increase your confidence in that service being compatible with everything else in your world. Applets are just the first steps in this direction and we have a long journey still ahead of us.

I am more excited than ever about the potential for IFTTT. I’d like to express my humble thanks to the millions of people that use IFTTT every day, the hundreds of beta partners that helped inform our evolution and our supportive investors. Most of all, thank you to every single person on the IFTTT Team, both past and present. Your passionate drive, positivity, and pride in craft have put us in the unique position to build an honest business that matters and that lasts. I know the value we place on confidence, compatibility and neutrality will continue to guide the way. Six years in and IFTTT is still just getting started!

Thank you!


