You MUST Know These 3 Reasons Why 10% Body Fat is TOO Lean!

Tony Lu
Grad Excel
Published in
7 min readDec 14, 2022


Wanting to reach your goals of 10% body fat or lower? Here’s why that might not be a great idea.

Every man would like to be lean.

Every man wants to have a shredded six pack, defined muscles and vascular forearms to show off.

And for many people, 10% body fat seems to be the sweet spot that people would love to be sitting at in the summer, or even year round.

But in this article I’ll go over why 3 reasons why that’s not a good idea for most people, and why you might want to reevaluate your weight loss and cutting goals.

Then, we’ll tell you what’s likely to be the best and most sustainable/balanced body fat level is a good goal for most men.


Let’s get started.

Why Is 10% Body Fat Too Lean?

10% Body Fat Is MUCH Leaner Than Most People Think

The truth is, the view that most people share when it comes to 10% body fat isn’t all that accurate.

Many people think that 10% body fat is the point where you start to see your abs when you’re flexing, and you start to get some real definition in your muscles.

