Black lives matter: Grieving for all the lives we lost

Black lives matter has emerged as one of the strong and most followed campaigns and hashtags that highlight the racial discrimination, injustice, and inequality that has been happening with the people of the black community. Since the American slavery era — they have been treated with disrespect and inhumanely, they are not only deprived of their rights but are mercilessly killed just because of the color of their skin. Black lives matter began in 2013 and it took the internet by storm. Gradually it became the movement to which every single black person could relate.

The cries of help and the eyes full of pain, helplessness, and anger have what made Black lives matter reach this height. Many people have lost their lives and these losses have jolted the black lives matter movement and bought it to an international forum. The main aim and rallying cry of this movement are to make people hear about the atrocities and systemic generational inequality, racism, and white supremacy the blacks have been facing. With Black lives matter, we are working to build local power and bring other authorities into the picture who would intervene and help to stop the violence, torture, and mistreatment inflicted on black communities. The systematic inequality that plagues society, law, and enforcement system today has kept black communities deprived of their basic right. This issue has persisted for far too long, creating dialogue has never been easy, and mourning the lives lost of tons of black people was heart-wrenching.

Today we are going to collectively recall the murders and killings of the people of the black community at the hands of police. Although many deaths of black people have gone unnoticed after Black lives matter — the aspect of police brutality and unfairness towards black people came to light and the deaths mentioned below are the ones that not only jolted people but gave a spark and rise to the Black lives matter movement — to make a world a better and safe place for the next generation to come.

17 July 2014 — The Murder of Eric Garner

This murder has stayed in the minds of people till now, back in July 2014 — Eric Garner was wrestled and pinned to the ground by New York police based on mere suspicion that he was selling illegal cigarettes. Without asking, checking, or even monitoring — the officers got him in a tight chokehold while Eric was suffering and he repeatedly said “I can’t breathe” 11 times but he wasn’t released and he died right there. This entire incident was filmed by the people standing by and later the video garnered millions of views on the internet and the country-wide protest took place. As a result, the officer was just fired but never prosecuted.

9 August 2014 — The Murder of Michael Brown

An 18-year-old Michael was killed by a police officer over “suspicion” that Brown has stolen a box of a cigar. Brown’s murder bought justice and racial disparity in the Ferguson police a light which caused multiple waves of protest and black lives matter was boosted.

22 November 2014 — The Killing of Tamir Rice

A small 12-year-old boy was shot dead in Ohio Cleveland by the police because he kept pointing a FAKE gun at the police. Police thought these actions were “probably juvenile” and when that little boy did not listen to them — they shot him down. We repeat the gun was FAKE as police confirmed it after he had been shot dead. Be it a child, adult, woman, or elder person — if they are black, they are not safe.

5 July 2016 — The Death of Alton Sterling’s

Over the report of a disturbance outside an s shop, Mr. Sterlings was killed. The video went viral on social media with the hashtag black lives matter and the officers involved in this fatal shooting were suspended.

6 July 2016 — The Killing of Philando Castile

According to many surveys and research — it has been seen that black people are most likely to be stopped and checked by the police — this is what happen with Mr, Castile — who was driving around in Minnesota with his girlfriend. He was stopped by police for a “ regular” checkup where Castile told police that he had the license to carry a weapon and when he went down to reach for his license — he was shot dead by the police because they found him a “potential threat”.

25 May 2020 — The Murder of George Floyd

George Floyd’s case is not hidden from any of us. His death is what bought black lives matter to an international level. Being held down by police for nine whole minutes while he was pleading he couldn’t breathe — he died right then and there — on spot. The video went viral and protests for black lives matter took place all over the world.

11 April 2021 — The Murder of Daunte Wright

Stopped over a traffic violation, when Wright was about to re-enter his car, the police were heard shouting “taser” and one of the officers Kim Potter used her handgun to shoot him. The police came forward explaining how the killing was accidental but their explanation was rejected and the country-wide protest started.



League of United African American Citizens

League of United African American Citizens is a non-profit organization that caters to the plunged Black communities of the country