A Week at Sea with OHP

Lucy Bellwood
4 min readDec 2, 2016


Stepping Aboard America’s Newest Sail Training Vessel

In 2016 I had the pleasure of sailing with the Oliver Hazard Perry for six days as a voyage cartoonist. The following illustrated journal seeks to capture what day-to-day life is like on a full-rigged tall ship, and what students can expect from sailing expeditions with OHPRI.

These pages were drawn in-between helping with sail handling, chores, and educational classes. I work in a 5.5” by 8.5” watercolor sketchbook with a 2H pencil, a .5mm black gel pen, and a pocket watercolor kit.

My sincerest thanks to Jessica Wurzbacher for coordinating this collaboration, to the students on this trip for their enthusiasm, and to my supporters on Patreon, without whom this opportunity would not have been possible.

You can buy this comic in print right here!

This comic was made possible by my supporters on Patreon! If you’d like to help me bring back more unusual experiences in comics form, or just get a behind-the-scenes look at my process, consider joining us for the ride.

You can also purchase this comic in print form from my shop.



Lucy Bellwood

Professional Adventure Cartoonist working out of Helioscope in Portland, OR. | @LuBellWoo | http://lucybellwood.com |