Who Am I — Self-Biography

Lubin Raj
3 min readJun 13, 2020



It’s 2020, the whole world is under crisis yet a man is hustling in his room to improvise himself for a better future. Ya, it’s me, Lubin Raj an undergraduate student pursuing mechanical engineering from Saveetha University. It was never my choice to take engineering yet here I am constantly grabbing every opportunity.


I was born in October 2000 to a lovely couple. I have no siblings but never had to worry about it, thanks to my friends, I had the best childhood again thanks to my friends. Life was so good for me until it’s time to pay life what it gave. The horrors of future struck like thunder and that’s when the hustler was actually born.

While I spent plenty of time deciding what to do next it gave me lots of ideas, I know voices in my head aren’t real but their ideology was great. I started to explore in various fields because knowledge isn’t limited. I also spent several months in management. Being in an organizational leadership role inspired me to push myself a little more and then a few more and it keeps going.

I am fascinated by organizational culture and leadership concepts. I am also captivated by the ideas of social and emotional intelligence and the roles they play in every day as well as corporate life.


I have a goal to travel and to experience different places and people. In the meantime, I have an omnipresent urge to learn. I want to dabble in design, marketing, social media interaction, engineering, management, and programming in order to build at least a novice standing in all those areas. With that base education, I feel that we can earn enough remote income to make a more-than-comfortable stab at traveling around the globe at our own pace. Although, I suppose that even if we didn’t have the wandering urge, I would still want to learn all those things.


As you can see this is my first blog and it’s about me, Writing on Medium is a good start. I am working on my website and learning to navigate in and around front end development. I also just today finalized my website. I was never forced about scoring good marks by my parents which gave me lots of freedom to spread the surface area of interest, sorry for technical words, its an engineer’s habit .when it comes to career am very much specific to go in the domain of electric vehicles. I could say am technically skilled in designs and modeling. Integrating my interest with my purpose and career is the best thing I have done.


That's the sweet story about my short life. With hopes I am stepping into the game of life, We all do, I wish everyone success and great fortune I hope that you not only enjoyed my introduction but will look at it as the beginning of a dialogue that we can undertake over time as we interact. I am always open to new ideas and opportunities. Thanks for reading through my introduction, kindly leave comments of what you think that needed to be improved.

