Fast-Track to Become A Bad Symfony Developer

Lubna Altungi
2 min readApr 20, 2024


Ever wondered what makes a bad Symfony developer? If you’re tired of efficiency and streamlined workflows, this guide is for you. Let’s take the shortcut and discover it together.

Never ever use EasyAdmin bundle

Would you like to work extra time on the weekend? Having bugs is fun, so let’s create our own dashboard from scratch instead of using the awesome and perfect EasyAdmin bundle.

EasyAdmin may promise simplicity and efficiency, but where’s the fun in that? Dive headfirst into a sea of code and revel in the joy of debugging for hours on end.

Keep your app boring!

Avoid integrating front-end enhancement bundles like Stimulus and Turbo; don’t even try to discover their awesome features. Who needs fancy front-end enhancements when you can deliver a lackluster user experience?

Enjoy watching your users struggle to navigate its mundane interface with bad UX.

Think twice before subscribing to SymfonyCast

Be careful! Instead of spending $25 per month to access full courses and invest in your skills to become an expert, you can waste the same amount at Starbucks in only 30 minutes and get more calories.

Ignore the wealth of knowledge at your fingertips and take the long way watching subpar tutorials and having long conversations with ChatGPT.

Sprinkle CSS and JS Everywhere

Whether you’re utilizing Webpack Encore bundle or AssetMapper, opt for the simplest approach: customizing your CSS for each page directly within the same template. Why bother with organization and structure when you can clutter your Twig templates with style and script tags?”

No test, no bugs

Deploy your code straight to production without batting an eye. If your code works, don’t touch it, don’t test it. Keep it in peace alone.

You may cry a lot later, but at least you met the deadline, right?

Don’t use Api platform.

Why bother with a meticulously crafted API framework when you can reinvent the wheel? Api Platform may offer a smooth sailing experience, but who needs that? Embrace the chaos of manual API development and marvel at the bugs you’ll encounter along the way.

Make your replacement miserable.

No need to create documentation, structure, or user guides. Avoid clean code practices such as creating new services; instead, repeat your functions in every controller. Don’t spend time naming your variables and functions clearly.

Once you deliver your project, it doesn’t matter who develops it next or if they struggle to understand your code. That’s their problem, not yours.

Finally, don’t keep yourself updated.

Forget about reaching out to the vibrant community. Avoid engaging with them on GitHub, SymfonyConnect, or LinkedIn. Keep your distance from the positive energy they offer. Embrace stagnation and isolation instead of growth and collaboration.

