Why Symfony Developers Feel Lucky!

Lubna Altungi
2 min readJun 22, 2024


Feeling of belonging

For us, Symfony isn’t just a framework; it’s part of our identity. When I meet another Symfony developer, it feels like meeting a family member, there’s an instant connection. It’s as if we share a secret handshake. Choosing Symfony feels like choosing a favorite brand; it’s a badge of honor.

A Friendly Database

No more stress, no more risk. Here are two raisons why we’re so grateful:

- ORM: The Magic of Doctrine

Creating complex databases isn’t a challenge; it’s a joy, akin to playing Nintendo. With Doctrine, dealing with native SQL becomes a thing of the past, turning database management into a seamless experience. It’s like chatting with GPT.

- Database Migration Made Easy

Thanks to Doctrine, database migrations are straightforward. There’s no need to wait for a database dump to run your app. You can migrate entities directly and create your own database structure effortlessly. This flexibility and ease save time and streamline development.

CMS Proficiency

Well understanding the basic of Symfony makes you pro in any other CMS, you can easily develop any new App by Drupal (has same structure) or create any module you need in Prestashop.


Symfony’s community is one of its greatest strengths. Unlike many other frameworks, Symfony boasts a well-organized and welcoming community, offering:

Twig Template Engine

Twig, Symfony’s template engine, simplifies life for backend developers aspiring to full-stack capabilities. Without needing a separate frontend framework, Twig allows you to create clean and efficient templates. It’s user-friendly and can be mastered in about an hour — much simpler than learning something like TypeScript.

Unique Bundles

Every framework has its unique features, but Symfony’s bundles are exceptional. Take EasyAdmin, for example. It’s a powerful tool that can make you look like a genius. I still recall landing my last job because my boss was impressed by what I achieved with EasyAdmin — it made me seem like a wizard, even though it was EasyAdmin doing the heavy lifting.

Developer Tools and Debugging

Symfony comes with a suite of developer tools that simplify debugging and profiling. Tools like the Symfony Profiler and the debug toolbar make it easier to identify and fix issues, leading to more efficient development processes.

Happy coding! :)

