Lu Johnson
3 min readApr 8, 2023

Easter is a time of renewal and hope, but it can also be a time of confusion and empty rituals. As Christians, it’s important to remember the true biblical origins of the holiday and celebrate it in a way that honors its spiritual significance. But with so many different traditions and observances, it can be difficult to know where to start.

Let’s explore some practical forms of celebrating Easter in a way that stays true to its biblical roots and guards against empty rituals and hypocrisy.

Whether you’re looking to deepen your faith, practice compassion towards others, or simply reflect on the meaning of the holiday, these suggestions will help you celebrate Easter in a relevant and impactful way.

Let’s dive in!

When it comes to celebrating Easter in a biblical way, there are several key principles to keep in mind. Here are some suggestions to get you started:

  1. Focus on the message of the resurrection: At the heart of the Easter story is the resurrection of Jesus, a symbol of hope and renewal. To celebrate Easter in a biblical way, it’s important to focus on this message and remember the true significance of the holiday. This can involve reading and reflecting on biblical passages related to the Easter story, such as the accounts of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
  2. Practice acts of service and compassion: Easter is a time to reflect on the sacrifice and love of Jesus, and one way to honor this message is by engaging in acts of service and compassion towards others. Volunteering at a local charity, donating to a worthy cause, or simply performing acts of kindness for others can all be ways to celebrate Easter in a meaningful and impactful way.
  3. Attend a church service or participate in a religious observance: Easter is a religious holiday, and participating in a church service or other religious observance can help us connect with the spiritual significance of the holiday and guard against empty rituals and hypocrisy. If you’re not sure where to start, consider reaching out to a local church or faith community to learn more about their Easter services and observances.
  4. Make Easter a time of personal reflection and renewal: Whether or not we participate in organized religion, Easter can be a time to reflect on our own spiritual journey and renew our commitment to living a life of faith and compassion. This can involve individual practices such as prayer, meditation, or journaling, as well as seeking guidance from spiritual leaders or mentors.

Celebrating Easter in a biblical way is about staying grounded in the spiritual and biblical principles that underlie the holiday. By focusing on the message of the resurrection, practicing acts of service and compassion, attending church services or other religious observances, and making Easter a time of personal reflection and renewal, we can deepen our understanding Jesus and His sacrifice through the Easter story and its message of hope, renewal, and love.

Whether you’re looking to deepen your faith, practice compassion towards others, or simply reflect on the meaning of the holiday, these suggestions will help you celebrate Easter in a meaningful and impactful way.

Let’s chat!

Let’s take action today to celebrate Easter in a way that reflects our faith and values. Share in the comments below how the Holy Spirit is leading you.

Lu Johnson

We are works in progress…my heart is steadfastly anchored in love for Jesus Christ, society, and teaching sound emotional spiritual growth & theology.