iPhone 5s Review — 3 Weeks Deep

Better camera, finger print reader, 64 bit Processor

Luc Luxton
4 min readOct 16, 2013
iPhone 5s in “Space Grey”


I’ve been using the iPhone 5s for 3 weeks now and I don’t want to go too over board in this review because I’m sure enough people here and elsewhere already have but I just wanted to share my thoughts.

I have bought 6 of the past 7 iPhones since the original and I can confidently say that if you’re still rocking an iPhone 5, sick with it. You’re really not missing out on much this time around and I think Apple knows this since they basically took the iPhone 5’s internals and stuck them in the iPhone 5c.

That’s not to say this isn’t an incredible phone, it’s just that the iPhone has finally gotten to a point in it’s product cycle where it has become mature. Incremental upgrades are inevitable and necessary but will not change the way you use your phone or show a noticeable speed increase in your daily tasks.

But, the iPhone 5s is still the best phone you can buy if you want an overall great experience.


From a design perspective, this is very much the same phone we’ve seen and used over the past year with the iPhone 5. The only noticeable difference to the trained eye are the minute colour differences between the iPhone 5’s matte…



Luc Luxton

Technology. Photography. Travel. Director of Sales @ Rose Rocket