Published inTHRON tech blogReal-time Thumbnail Generation in a (mostly) Serverless AWS ArchitectureReal-time thumbnail generation is a surprisingly helpful and complex task to do at scale. We implemented it by using AWS Lambda.Jun 16, 20202Jun 16, 20202
Published inTHRON tech blogTagging EC2 instances created by AutoScaling Group with Lambda and CloudwatchWhen using autoscaling, AWS doesn’t apply tags to all resources. Here is a simple solution using Lambda and Cloudwatch eventsMar 24, 2020Mar 24, 2020
Published inTHRON tech blogAWS ECS container auto-scaling with Lambda and cloudwatch rulesHow we combined Step Scaling and Lambda functions to control the step scaling policyJul 23, 20192Jul 23, 20192
Published inTHRON tech blogAWS ECS host auto-scaling with custom Cloudwatch metrics and AWS LambdaHow we implemented a custom host auto-scaling strategy that we think might fit most of our and your needs tooApr 16, 20194Apr 16, 20194