Luca Melindata-py-blogBREAST CANCER CLASSIFICATION USING SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINESPredicting if the cancer diagnosis is benign or malignant based on several observations/features - 30 features are used, examples: —…Nov 18, 2019Nov 18, 2019
Luca Melindata-py-blogTHE IRIS PLANT DATASETThe data set contains 3 classes of 50 instances each, where each class refers to a type of iris plant. The attribute to be predicted is…Nov 18, 2019Nov 18, 2019
Luca Melindata-py-blogKYPHOSIS DISEASE CLASSIFICATIONKyphosis is an abnormally excessive convex curvature of the spine. The kyphosis data frame has 81 rows and 4 columns. representing data on…Nov 18, 2019Nov 18, 2019
Luca Melindata-py-blogAMAZON REVIEWS SENTIMENT ANALYSISDataset consists of 3000 Amazon customer reviews, star ratings, date of review, variant and feedback of various amazon Alexa products like…Nov 17, 2019Nov 17, 2019
Luca Melindata-py-blogCREDIT CARD FRAUD DETECTION- Credit card companies need to have the ability to recognize fraudulent credit card transactions so that customers are not charged for…Nov 17, 2019Nov 17, 2019
Luca Melindata-py-blogEMAIL SPAM CLASSIFIER USING NAIVE BAYES- The SMS Spam Collection is a set of SMS tagged messages that have been collected for SMS Spam research. It contains one set of SMS…Nov 17, 2019Nov 17, 2019
Luca Melinmachinelearning-pyblogICE CREAM REVENUE PREDICTIONIn this project i created a model that could predict the daily revenue in dollars of an ice cream business based on the outside air…Sep 20, 2019Sep 20, 2019
Luca Melinmachinelearning-pyblogFUEL CONSUMPTION PREDICTIONThe task is to develop a model to predict the impact of increasing the vehicle horsepower (HP) on fuel economy (Mileage Per Gallon (MPG))…Sep 20, 2019Sep 20, 2019
Luca Melinmachinelearning-pyblogSALARY PREDICTION BASED ON EXPERIENCEIn this project the task is to predict the salary of employees based on the number of years of experience. For this purpose i created a…Sep 20, 2019Sep 20, 2019