Encrypted pandas DataFrames for secure storage and sharing in Python

Introducing cryptpandas — a lightweight tool for dataframe encryption

Luca Mingarelli
2 min readDec 26, 2021
Image by Jack Moreh on freerange.

Modern data science often involves working with confidential information. Data encryption in Python can however be cumbersome and involve a few convoluted steps. Instead, most data scientists need the ability to store and share data with collaborators in a fast, efficient, and reliable manner, so as to allow sharing of data over non-secure channels, or within a team where not all members may have clearance to sensitive data.

Image from cryptpandas

Introducing cryptpandas! cryptpandas is a lightweight python tool for encryption (and decryption) of pandas dataframes. We can simply install with pip install cryptpandas, and we are set and ready to encrypt and decrypt our pandas dataframes.

Encrypting DataFrames

First, let’s start by defining a simple pandas dataframe:

Then, we can simply import cryptpandas and easily encrypt our dataframe with a familiar syntax:

The file file.crypt is now encrypted and cannot be read without the set password.

Decrypting DataFrames

Decrypting files is now very easy:

Salt, for an additional layer of security

What we have described so far allows any user in possession of the password to read the encrypted file. However, for an additional layer of safety, users can also generate their own salt, a random piece of data which can be used to safeguard password storage. By default, a salt common to all users is stored in cryptpandas.SALT, but a new one can be generated via the built in function cryptpandas.make_salt. Here is an example:

Now in order to read the encrypted file, both password and salt need to be provided.


Pythoners in need of a simple and reliable tool for encrypting their pandas dataframes can now addcryptpandas to their toolkit. In this brief tutorial we have shown how to easily encrypt and decrypt dataframe using cryptpandas.

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