Tips for a Personal Growth: Day 4

Daily tips to take life the right way and be successful

Luca Pelosi
6 min readNov 17, 2022

This is a series of short articles in which I have collected advice, philosophies of life and virtuous attitudes that, if followed throughout your life, will surely be able to improve it and put you in a position to fully enjoy it, maximizing “success”. Whatever it means to you.

You can read the others tips of this series on my “Personal Growth” whenever you want.

“Learn Constantly”

The human being is the most extraordinary thinking machine we are aware of and its magnificence is given above all by the ability to learn an incredible amount of information and use it critically.

Said that one of the greatest crimes we can do against ourselves is not exploiting the great potential that each of us is endowed with:

“Learning is the food of the mind without which it cannot evolve and make us what we could be”.

Milad Fakurian on Unsplash

Instead of believing what I say, you might see how the most successful people behave.

They always learn. They understand that improving their knowledge and skills will give them more chances, everything else is luck.



Luca Pelosi

Sr Automation Software Engineer at Expedia Group, technology enthusiast. Gush out ideas, startups, personal growth, finance and innovation as much as possible.