Lazarus Group Exploits Zero-Day Vulnerability: A Deep Dive into the North Korean Hacking Group’s Tactics and Techniques

Lucas Verdan
3 min readMar 2, 2023


In May of last year, a financial company fell victim to a cyberattack by the North Korean hacking group known as Lazarus. South Korean security firm AhnLab discovered that the group used a zero-day vulnerability in a popular Korean software utility to move laterally across the company’s network. Despite the breach being disclosed, the software vendor has yet to release a patch, leaving the vulnerability open for exploitation.

In this article, we will take a deep dive into the tactics and techniques used by the Lazarus group, their motives, and the impact of their attacks. We will also explore the significance of zero-day vulnerabilities and the importance of software patching to prevent cyberattacks.

Who is the Lazarus Group?

The Lazarus group is a well-known North Korean hacking group that has been active since at least 2009. They are notorious for their cyberattacks on financial institutions, such as the 2014 Sony Pictures hack and the 2016 Bangladesh Bank heist. The group is also known for their involvement in cryptocurrency thefts and ransomware attacks.

According to cybersecurity experts, the Lazarus group is believed to operate under the command of the North Korean government. The group is known for their sophisticated tactics, which include the use of zero-day vulnerabilities and the creation of custom malware.

Tactics and Techniques

The Lazarus group is known for their use of spear-phishing emails to deliver malware to their targets. The emails are usually crafted to appear legitimate, often containing convincing language and disguising the malware as a legitimate file attachment.

In addition to spear-phishing, the group also uses watering hole attacks. In this type of attack, the group compromises a legitimate website that is frequently visited by their targets. They then inject malicious code into the website, which infects the visitor’s computer with malware.

The Lazarus group also uses zero-day vulnerabilities to gain access to their target’s network. Zero-day vulnerabilities are software vulnerabilities that are unknown to the software vendor and have not yet been patched. This makes them highly valuable to cybercriminals, as they can be used to gain access to a system undetected.


The Lazarus group’s motives are believed to be primarily financial. The group is known for their attacks on financial institutions, cryptocurrency thefts, and ransomware attacks. However, they have also been known to engage in political espionage, such as the 2014 Sony Pictures hack, which was believed to be in retaliation for the studio’s production of the movie “The Interview,” a satirical comedy about North Korea’s leader.

Impact of Attacks

The Lazarus group’s attacks have had a significant impact on their victims. In the case of the 2016 Bangladesh Bank heist, the group was able to steal $81 million by compromising the bank’s SWIFT system. The attack on Sony Pictures resulted in the theft and subsequent release of sensitive company information, as well as the destruction of data on the company’s computers.

The financial impact of cyberattacks can be significant, but the reputational damage can also be long-lasting. Companies that fall victim to cyberattacks often face a loss of trust from their customers and partners.

Importance of Software Patching

The case of the Lazarus group’s exploitation of the zero-day vulnerability highlights the importance of software patching. Software vendors release patches to fix known vulnerabilities, and it is crucial that users install these patches as soon as they are available. Failure to do so leaves the system vulnerable to exploitation by cybercriminals.



Lucas Verdan

🔒 Cybersecurity Expert | 📝 Tech Writer | 📚 Book Lover | 🎙️ Podcast Host | Published Author | Lucas Oliveira - Securing the digital realm.