The Singularity And Our Concept of Divine: Are We Creating God?

Luca Santinelli
3 min readJul 21, 2023

I want to get into more thoughtful and philosophical waters today, and I hope you join me in this.

It’s a Friday night, unwinding with a drink and letting my mind navigate the dusty corners that rarely see the light of day when working.

So I’m thinking, as I reflect on where we’re inevitably heading: “are we about to create God?”.

Let’s back up, where the thought started.

As we ride the crest of this technological wave, a new horizon is coming into view – the singularity.

The singularity, a time when artificial intelligence outstrips human understanding, could change everything we know about life, consciousness, and our place in the universe. And yet, as we stand on this precipice, I can’t help but be struck by a strange and haunting thought: Is the singularity our modern conception of God?

And now that the premise is out of the way, let’s go into the fun part.

The Collective Reach for the Divine

Now, I don't mean to suggest that some divine deity is pushing the buttons behind the scenes of our computers. No, what I'm suggesting is something far more profound, and far more personal. Is it possible that our advancements towards the…

