Install Node and NPM using NVM in Mac or Linux (Ubuntu)

Lucas Kardonski
1 min readApr 11, 2019


**Pre requisites: In Mac. Make sure you have xcode installed**

curl --version

Install NVM using curl

curl -o- | bash

Either run the command that will pop up, or close and reopen your terminal to start using nvm run

nvm --version

to make sure you got the right version of nvm installed correctly run

nvm install node 

Now install node.

//to install the latest version
nvm install node
nvm use node
//to install a specific version number
nvm install 8.9 //to install node 8.9
nvm use 8.9
//to install the LTS version
nvm install --lts
nvm use --lts

You can install any number of versions of node and switch between versions at any time by running

nvm use desired-version

Now make sure npm was installed by running

npm -v

Your set. Happy Coding!



Lucas Kardonski

Entrepreneur, MBA, Innovation and Tech Enthusiast, Co Founder at Torus Digital, Learning to Code #nature #outdoors #surf #fishing #coffee #rum #mycology