6 Adventures to Seek After at Canadian Fishing Lodges

Lucas Nelson
5 min readNov 7, 2019


This is not a comprehensive list of all the adventures you can have at a Canada fishing lodge. Rather, it is a list to inspire possibilities. To give you a few options so that everyone in your party enjoys the vacation. These adventures can be a solo or group deal, allowing those that want to fish everyday to fish and those that want to explore in other ways the freedom to do so.

6. Landscape Photography Adventures

Counting down to our ultimate adventure, we start with landscape photography. Proper planning and patience will allow you to capture amazing images of the pristine wilderness that abounds around Canada’s fishing lodges. These adventures could include getting up and arriving to your special location 45 minutes before sunrise to set up. Or, on the flip side of the day, capturing the setting sun.

Tips for having a successful landscape photography adventure at a Canada fishing lodge:

· Use a tripod.

· Dress in layers to accommodate cold and enable you to adjust as the day warms.

· Scope out your locations beforehand, know what shots you’d like to take.

· You don’t need to go far for a great shot. Your fishing lodge in Canada likely has several great shots right there. At water’s edge, off in the distance, the rustic amenities, fishing gear, reflections off windows and water, the ever changing skies, etc. (Okay, some of these aren’t landscape, but they’d still be cool shots.)

5. Wildlife Photography Adventures

You could argue that photography is photography and a wildlife photography adventure should be included with the landscape adventure. We wouldn’t disagree. But, here’s the thing:there’s different planning involved if you’re going to try and capture specific animals. Identify the native wildlife that you want to capture and know when and where to get the best shot.

Tips for having a successful wildlife photography adventure at a Canadian fishing lodge:

· Again, use a tripod whenever possible.

· Hire a local guide to take you where your target animal is likely to show itself.

· Find the Zen in waiting.

· Be prepared to suddenly go into photo mode. You won’t have a lot of time to capture the perfect shot when the animal shows itself.

· Always carry a camera for those unexpected opportunities as you go about your day.

4. Stargazing

Dark skies abound in Ontario, Canada. This means that the stars can shine because there is little to no light pollution. Each night of your stay could be spent admiring the night sky, hunting down specific constellations, studying the moon, and otherwise introducing your family to the wonders of our universe.

Tips for having a successful stargazing adventure at a Canadian fishing lodge:

· Print or buy any reference materials you may need before you arrive. You’ll be in a remote location where cellphone reception and internet are limited. If you want reference materials, like a constellation map of where you’ll be staying or the stories of the constellations, look them up beforehand.

· Create a game or read stories related to the night sky.

· Use binoculars. They are user-friendly, portable, and compact. You may able to see the moon’s craters, Jupiter and four of its moons, the International Space Station, star clusters, Saturn, the Orion or Lagoon nebulas, the Pleiades, Andromeda, and part the Milky Way. As mentioned previously, look up the night sky for the coordinates of your lodge and the time of year you’ll be visiting to know exactly what you could find.

· Have blankets on hand. In addition to dressing warmly, grab some snuggly blankets to ward off the chill. You won’t want to be next to a fire because the light pollution will interfere with stargazing.

3. Hiking

Another adventure that can be had at most, if not all, Canadian fishing lodges is hiking. Depending on where you stay, these hikes can range from easy, flat, urban strolls to epic rugged wilderness expeditions for the experienced backpacker.

Tips for having a successful hiking adventure at a Canadian fishing lodge:

· Discuss your hiking desire with your lodge. They will know nearby trails and may even know difficulty levels.

· Hire a guide for longer, harder trails. If you’re new to the area, you shouldn’t wander into the wilds of Canada without a guide. This person should be familiar with the specific trail you’ll be hiking and any potential dangers it presents. Your lodge may be able to suggest someone.

· Pack appropriately. Make sure to carry a backpack with appropriate gear, food, and water.

· Tell someone at the lodge where you’re going and when you expect to return. That way someone will be watching and able to tell the authorities, should the unthinkable happen.

2. Hunting

Due to the largely undeveloped areas around Canada’s fishing lodges, there is the potential for an epic hunting adventure.

Tips for having a successful hiking adventure at a Canadian fishing lodge:

· Know what animal you want to target. Options include black bear, moose, deer, and various birds (waterfowl, ducks, grouse, etc.).

· Make sure you have your Outdoors Card and a hunter accreditation on file. Also, have all required hunting licenses and tags for the game you’re going for.

· Hire a guide. You may benefit from a local guide who can take you to the locations your target animal frequents. Sometimes, the fishing lodge also offers a hunting package. Ask about that.

1.Trophy Fishing

The ultimate adventure to be had at a Canada fishing lodge is trophy fishing. There are 158 fish species in Ontario alone, many of which are perfect for that unique trophy catch. Common trophy fish include walleye, northern pike, large and small mouth bass, muskie, brook and lake trout, salmon, and more.

Tips for having a successful trophy fishing adventure at a Canadian fishing lodge:

· Decide what trophy you want to go after before booking your stay.

· Once you know which fish you want, look for a lake that offers it. Then choose the fishing lodge.

· Alternatively, pick your lodge and ask them what trophy fish are available in their waters.

· Stay legal. Make sure to have your Outdoors card and fishing license. Know catch limits and regulations. Practice catch and release.

· Discuss with your fishing lodge what you need to bring and what they offer. If desired, ask about local taxidermy options to mount your trophy fish.

Seize the adventure at Canada’s fishing lodges!

Wildewood on Lake Savant is a fishing adventure resort located in the remote wilderness of Ontario, Canada. Andy Kerecman manages their blog (https://wildewoodonlakesavant.com/about-resort/blog/) celebrating the pristine landscape around the lake and the amazing trophy fishing that can be had.

